1. Am I loosing my mind?

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Her light hair gleamed in the sunlight of the morning sun that changed its natural shade to cold pearl. At the roots, it had the color of a freshly burned ash. Her hair, however, gradually grew lighter as I followed her velvety curls. The color of its tips contrasted drastically with the beginnings because it had a much lighter shade, like a velvet silk.

My face was only centimeters from her relaxed one, which gave me a better consideration of every detail of her beautiful complexion. The skin of the girl was slightly tanned and her cheeks were flushed with the most delicate shade of pink I could have imagined. It emphasized her angelic aura even more, which charmed me from the moment I saw her.

I couldn't resist the temptation to get closer to this beautiful creature lying blissfully beside me and bring our bodies together. Her features and the fact that she was in deep sleep, completely defenseless, knowing that she was safe with me, freed the long-naped butterflies that began to flutter their wings in my lower abdomen.

I approached her slowly, causing the mattress to collapse slightly under my weight. Reaching out with my left hand under the covers to wrap it around her lower back bringing her closer to my naked body. At this point, I wanted nothing more to be as close to her as possible, closing the cool gap that had formed between us.

I slowly started stroking her body, hoping she wouldn't wake up. Her soft skin was so delicate that I was afraid I might hurt her just by touching. I could feel her little dimples under my fingertips that had formed at the end of her back.

A little shiver ran down my spine, knowing this moment wouldn't last forever. But my hopes went to hell when I noticed how the corners of her mouth went slightly upwards creating a tiny smile that appeared on her face.

"Good morning" a melodic sound came throught he smiling lips.

"Sorry I woke you up" my morning voice was now present as I looked down feeling like I had screwed up again, moving the hand that had so far traveled over her back to brush a rebellious strand of hair from her forehead.

"Hey, look at me" she made me look up, cupping my cheeks in her tiny hands and lifting my head slightly. Her innocent movement brought us to the same head level now. At this moment I met her eyes, for the first time in awhile. Beautiful, clear green irises stared at my darker ones, trying to decipher the thoughts and worries swirling in them, and the time between us stopped in place, and nothing mattered anymore, like it was tending to do.

"Stop apologizing for everything everytime, nothing happened" she whispered, slowly rubbing the pads of her thumbs around my cheeks forming circles before bringing her lips closer to mine, brushing them at first and waiting for my reaction.

I kissed her back by pressing our lips together and adjusting to her rhythm. The taste of her lips was sweet like strawberries in liquid chocolate. She kissed me slowly but passionately which made me crave the touch of her body.

She didn't oppose me as I wrapped my hand around her waist again, thereby rolling over onto my back and forcing her to perch on my hips. As soon as she was on my body, sitting on my thighs and bending down without interrupting the movement of our lips, I deepened our forbidden kiss.

One of her hands slipped behind my head, grabbing the roots of my auburn locks which she gently pulled causing a soft moan coming out from the depths of my throat.

I tried to raise my head to taste her moist lips even more, savoring every moment. Our lips began to move faster and faster. I decided to deepen the kiss especially when her lips were slightly open and just begged for intrusion, my tongue instantly tangled with hers, dancing to the rhythm of our own song.

"Liv" I moaned into her mouth as she tugged harder on my hair. She knew what she was doing, and she was doing it well as indicated by the slight bulge that became more and more visible under the thin fabric of my boxer shorts.

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