Chapter 51

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Proofreader: Jesse

The kitchen door was ajar, through the glass one could clearly see the situation going on inside. Wu Han Ying saw that Xia Chen did not change out of his clothes and was still in his shirt and suit pants. As he continued to watch, he saw the man in the kitchen start the fire to heat up the cooking pan with oil after he had prepared all of the ingredients.

Wu Han Ying was deep in his stupor for a moment before he remembered that he should give the other man a helping hand.

The kitchen wasn't very big, it can be said that it's a little bit small; the kitchen was a bit warmer than the living room probably because the stove was turned on. As Wu Han Ying watched Professor Xia cooking dressed in a suit, he felt very strange.

The other seemed to be very skilled as if he had cooked on a regular basis, which was a bit surprising to Wu Han Ying. Professor Xia with a paralysis face was holding a plate in one hand and a spatula in the other; he was ready to add the ingredients into the cooking pan.

"You shouldn't be in here or else your clothes will get smelly." said Xia Chen when he saw the other man coming into the kitchen, "Grab the utensils to set up the table on your way out."

"Oh, okay." Wu Han Ying agreed as he knew he wouldn't be much help, plus it was very cramped in the kitchen for the two of them to have standing room.

After one look around the place, Wu Han Ying finally found the cupboards for the dishes and utensils. As he turned around, he saw Xia Chen had started to stir fry something, his cuffs were unbuttoned and it looked like the sleeve might rub the edge of the hot dirty pot in front of him.

"Professor Xia, your sleeve will get dirty." As expected, a small black spot had appeared on the white sleeve right after he spoke.

"Help me." Xia Chen looked down at the cuff of his sleeve and switched the spatula to the other hand, he stretched the now unoccupied arm to Wu Han Ying.

"Oh." Wu Han Ying looked down and hurriedly helped him rolled up the sleeve, after he was finished he went to the other side to roll up the other one. Right after he was finished he felt someone gently patting his head.

"Be good and wait outside, it'll be done soon."

Wu Han Ying grunted an "um" and then quickly went out. As he opened the door to the living room he could not help but shudder a bit, it was so warm in the kitchen. He turned around to look at Xia Chen and it was obvious that the other person is much taller than him, his height was just about the other man's chin. If the other was not taller than him then how was it that the other man had only stretched out his hand and already touched the crown of his head...

Speaking of which, Wu Han Ying isn't a huge fan of fried rice, the reason is because he doesn't like the taste of the oil in the fried rice. However, today he was very hungry so he could not be a picky eater, Xia Chen's fried rice was very delicious. He added in a lot of ingredients, he noticed there were big shrimps with the outer shell removed, overall it looked very yummy.

Maybe Wu Han Ying was too concentrated on eating since the two people did not talk during the meal. Even though the meal was eaten in silence, it did not feel awkward between them; somehow it felt quite natural.

After they finished eating, Wu Han Ying insisted on doing the dishes; he really couldn't let the other do the dishes after he had troubled the other man to cook dinner for him.

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