Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Trans!Male OC 1

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Atticus had his face buried in one of his girlfriends' pillows as he cried. He had been sobbing for hours on end. The pain and agony spurred on by the sad song he had blasting on a loop through the speakers in his room at the Avengers tower that he shared with his girlfriends, Nat and Wanda. Somewhere in the background he could hear someone enter the room, but he paid no mind.

"Baby?" It was Wanda; the one who could read minds. Why couldn't it have been Nat?, he thinks as he buries his face farther into the pillow. Approaching the bed, Wanda notices that its Nat's pillow he has his face buried in, distinctive by the red silk pillowcase. "Att, baby, what's going on?" she softly asks as she pulls out her phone, quickly sending a text off to her girlfriend saying, 'I think we've got a code yellow in our room- need you here ASAP'. Gently sitting down in the middle of the bed, Wanda reaches up to pet his head, "What's going on, baby boy?"

Leaning into her touch, Atticus sits up, pulling Nat's pillow with him before cuddling into Wanda's side, seeking comfort from the younger of his girlfriends. Suddenly, the door flies open revealing a disheveled Natasha. Looking over at her partners, she feels her heart break knowing how much pain Atticus must be in based off of him clutching onto her pillow for dear life, sobbing his heart out, and seeking out comfort from Wanda. Now, Atticus wasn't unemotional, not by any means; but he didn't like crying in front of anyone, not even his girlfriends.

Gently closing the door behind herself, Nat pads over to the bed, reaching out towards her partners. As she reaches the bed, Atticus looks up from his spot in Natasha's pillow and notices his other girlfriend. Reaching out his right hand in search of Nat's left, Atticus turns his head into Wanda's shoulder, letting out more pitiful sobs as he broods over the phone call he had received that morning after his shower; his grandma had called. 

Now, he normally would've been excited to speak to his grandma, but he had recently informed her that he was trans via text, hence why she had called in the first place. Needless to say, she didn't take it well- at all. She threw a fit then proceeded to misgender and deadname him, belittling him in a transphobic rant, spewing her conservative bullshit across the line like bullets into a mirror. Atticus shattered into a million tiny, little, Ant-Man sized pieces as his grandma, his biggest supporter when he joined the Avengers, disowned him, leaving Natasha and Wanda to pick up the pieces.

Squeezing his hand reassuringly, Natasha vowed to kill whomever had hurt her boyfriend this badly. "Bubba," she softly started, "what happened?" Moving to sit next to him, Nat wrapped her arms around both her partners in a reassuring hug. Atticus turned his body towards Nat seeking out comfort only she could provide. "Baby boy," she cooed, "what's wrong, moya lyubov?"

"I texted my grandma telling her I'm trans," he started a few minutes later, "she then proceeded to call me and ridicule me for being 'a disgrace to the family name,' for almost 20 minutes before I hung up on her," he continued through heavy sniffles. "Now I just feel like a disappointment and really dysphoric; and I had been having a good day too," he pouts at his girlfriends.

Wanda and Natasha looked at each other in horror, both knowing how much he loved and looked up to his grandma, before finding words, "Oh Bubba," Wanda spoke for them both seeing as Nat was speechless, "what can we do to help, Att?"

"I just want snuggles," Atticus sleepily replied, curling himself into Nat's chest just wanting to curl into a ball and sleep in the comfort of his girlfriends' arms. 

"We can do that, malysh," Nat softly spoke, pulling Atticus with her to the head of the bed. Wanda crawled up to the head of the bed with the loves of her life, curling into Natasha's side, resting her head on her girlfriend's shoulder before wrapping her arms around both her loves. 

"I love you two, so much," Atticus mumbled into Nat's breast bone, falling asleep using Nat as a pillow.

"We love you too, baby bear," Wanda cooed down at his sleeping form, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "And I love you too, babe," she said, looking up at Nat before pressing a kiss to her lips.

"I love you too."

Thanks for reading y'all! I'm hoping to come out with a part two in a couple weeks but writers block is a bitch so... who knows? Feel free to ask questions in the comments or hit me up. Anyways, have a great day/night and remember to drink water!

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