𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏-𝟐

Start from the beginning

He looks different from back then...its like as if he changed into a new person. i thought as Norman and the others continued talking "were done with our talk here I will continue my plan no matter what you'll say " Norman said walking away, Emma started to grit her teeths but I cutted her off before she gets mad and said "Norman." I grabbed his hand and continued my sentence "listen to Emma. please Norman." he looked at my pleading face, I was on the verge of crying.I didn't know why but Emma..I don't want her to get hurt because of this I may be mean but I love my siblings and I have to get Norman to listen to Emma!

Emma lowered her head and said "are you leaving us to be alone again.? don't Norman...I dont want to lose you again.. if you can't do it for me at least do it for (y/n)!" she looked up at Norman as he glanced at her and then looked at me "is it really what you want to do?" Ray asked Norman "to kill them and make them suffer? even those innocent demons who have nothing to do with this?" Ray continued asking Norman, Norman looked at Ray as Emma said "isn't it going to be tough? mentally and physically?" his eyes darted to Emma then he let go of my head "I'm sorry but I've made my decision" he said to us

"then your not the Norman I know." I glared at him for making Emma feel this way and..me I felt betrayed I don't even know this feeling is it really betrayal? sadness? I don't know but I know this is what Emma is feeling but worse and it hurts..so much.... "fine then let's make a deal" I was quite shocked to see Emma still trying to make things work as Norman looked back at Emma "I'll go find Soju and Mujika you're looking for them aren't you? I'll find them" Emma said as Norman widened his eyes as she continues "in return don't kill those demons just give us ten days I will find them."  Norman turned back and said "fine but in three days that's it " Emma debated and said "7 days " while Norman continued "5 days" emma sighed and said "fine then"

"Ray? (y/n)?"Norman asked me and Ray "it's obvious I'll go with Emma'' Ray said as they looked at me, I continued to glare at Norman and said to Norman " I don't go along with strangers like you" Norman sighed and said "then five days I'll wait for you three, if you don't bring them I'll proceed with my plan as usual " Emma smiled and said "thanks that's enough time for us to get them" someone knocked at the door and opened it then we saw a masked person go in and say "boss." Norman looked at the person and said "kay im coming" Norman continued to say "be careful okay?"  he said as he looked at us 

He soon left and we left the place too, we walked back to our place and then told them about Norman and our plan "honestly he's not the same Norman I know." Don shook his head and said " you're wrong about that part" I looked at Don confused and said "how so? he's mean now..plus he made Emma sad! How can Norman do that huh?! He would do anything to make us happy! Yet what is he doing huh? He wants to kill the demons, even those innocent ones?! " I snapped at Don as Don weakly smiled and said "yes he would thats why hes risking himself again so we wouldn't have to do or see anything bad, he's reckless (y/n), that is Norman and he hasn't changed"

Emma nodded and said "that's why we're doing this plan so he doesn't have to risk himself anymore " their words remind me of that time.. instead of remembering that moment my brain decided to imagine something else that would've happened if i went to see him one last time

"Norman..! don't leave you cant! I don't want to lose you...please..! " I cried as I fell to the floor begging Norman to not leave but he weakly smiled as he says "(y/n) I'm so sorry.." he started to walk away from me as he quietly disappeared.

My tears started to come out as I hide myself in the corner hoping no one sees me crying, Don and Emma looked at me as they were worried about what I felt about everything, they continued to act normal so they wouldn't worry the kids and decided to talk more about the plan as I quietly went out to get some air. I sighed looking at the dessert that was full of nothing while crying then I remembered that time when Norman confessed to me then that moment when Ray did the same thing too 

"love huh..? I don't know who I love... I don't even think I'm ready for it..am i really in love? or am I in pain.?" I said pondering about the word love  as far as I know I wouldn't even try to date one of them because of these feelings I'm not even sure if I accepted their feelings but I remember kissing them it feels so wrong.. I feel so wrong...who knew love would disturb me at a time like this.? "if I knew love was going to be this difficult I wouldn't have developed my feelings for them or atleast just plainly reject them but I can't..my feelings won't let me.. "

When I was talking to myself about these problems someone came behind me and said "you like both of them don't you?" i immediately replied without thinking "of course I do but I can't seem to choose"but then I realized that I was talking to someone else, I sweatdropped knowing who had that voice then I looked over to see Emma smirking at me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) she laughs as she says "i knew it!" she screeched in joy and started jumping around "geez your too loud Emma" I said irritated by her screeching noises, she giggles and says " I know~" but then a few second after her expression changed 

"tho I dont think now is the time to think about these things if I were you I wouldn't tell them anything yet, you'll know who you want to love. When it's time it will come..the moment you were always pondering about like mine! back then I was always wondering when we will be able to talk and act like sisters " Emma said as she looked at the sky "sisters? but we are already sisters?" she smiles and says " we are but back then I never felt like I had any even though you were just there wandering around the house I felt lonely like really lonely but now that we're closer than ever I feel more comfortable and happy."  

I nod and said "well that is true" she giggled as I showed her a little smile that made her really happy then we continued to talk about our problems till night time, after talking and feeling better we parted our ways and went to our respective beds "night (n/n) " Emma says smiling at me before leaving I smiled back and said "you too Em" (your new nickname for emma) 

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(a/n)- so uhhhh i mayyyyy have forgotten to post this a week ago-


anyways dont get mad at me! ╥﹏╥
ill find a way to make it up for you guys so you can request anything in the comments! ill make sure to read and think of what everyone would want based on your comments. Ill be replying to every single comment to prove im reading them so dont worry ;-;;;

(thoo i read everyones comments whenever i have the time to open wattpad and lets just say the comments are funnier than the author itself ✌😔)

anyways i shall yeet before ya'll murder my ass-

p e a c e 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️


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