Kyalin- A change of plans

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Aight so like tenzin and pema are together, and he never got with lin. They're friends, and kya and Bumi aren't related to tenzin. Also, they're in their 20s. Aight here we go


"Come on Lin, you really gotta get out more!" Pema whined, attempting to drag the young metalbender to the car. "I really have to study though! I have this test coming up for my forensics class-" Tenzin cut her off with a chuckle. "Yeah, but you got a 100 on the practice test, and you said that one was supposed to be harder." Lin glared at him. He was right, but she really didn't feel like a night on the town was all that fun. Then again neither was studying, so she made a sound somewhat in between a groan and a sigh and let them drag her out, a scowl stuck on her face. She really hoped this wasnt one of their stupid country concerts. "Ugh so what mess of music are we going to this time?" Lin scoffed. Tenzin and Pema exchanged a glance and smiled before handing her the flier to a rock concert. "We figured it was your turn for music you like." They both turned to face forward again, chattering about some nomad nonsense. Lin looked down at the piece of paper again. She hadn't heard of any of these smaller bands, but it seemed the main act was a young woman with long brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Lin looked closer at the woman, noticing a few streaks of blue in her hair, a ripped leather studded jacket, and her eyebrows slit in a few places. Something about this woman made her feel excited, though Lin decided to try to act like she wasn't, just to spite her friends.

Just as Lin started to doze off in the back seat, the car parker, waking her up. Pema produced some tickets out of nowhere, handing one to each of the others. With a sigh, Lin followed the others through the line. It wasn't that big of a line, but it wasn't small either. "Hey Lin! You fit right in here!" Pema teased her, referring to her appearance. She was wearing ripped black denim and a loose fitting worn black t-shirt, along with her various piercings and green streaked hair. Lin rolled her eyes with a small smirk. Yeah, she did fit in. but it was hilarious that her friends didn't.

After finally being admitted to the building, Pema revealed that they were up front, much to Lin's delight. The first act came on, hyping up the small crowd that was already in the concert hall. Lin had a goofy grin on her face as she vibed with the music, dancing along with her friends to the loud beat. Suddenly needing to use the restroom, she looked around and upon seeing a restroom sign, she hollered to tenzin, who was closer to her. "Hey ill be back! I need to use the restroom!" Tenzin only grinned and nodded. With that, she started off towards the restroom.


"Kya, dude, you look fine, I swear to raava if you touch your hair again I will slap you!" Izumi grabbed her friend's hand and dragged her out of her dressing room. "Go watch the others perform, it'll hype you up. I'll go find Bumi and meet you at stage left in five-" she cut off as she ran towards the room once more. Kya just shook her head and smiled. "Five minutes my ass. They're just going to make out." Kya just wandered around for a while, looking for water. After asking some of the staff they said that for now, she walked out to the only drinking fountain they had working (she would complain to the manager later about that; it wasn't exactly great for performers to not have water readily available). Just as she was finished she spun into a young woman leaving the women's restroom next to the fountain, knocking her to the floor.

"Oh my stars, I'm so sorry about that, are you ok?" Kya asked, offering her hand to the woman on the floor. The woman took it gingerly and got to her feet, grumbling a little before double taking at her face. She turned bright red. "Oh no im ok im so so so sorry for bumping into you. I didn't hurt you did I?" her black and green curls bounced as she dusted herself off as subtly as she could. Kya simply smiled at her. "Nope i'm ok. Are you enjoying the show so far?" Kya kicked herself mentally for striking conversation, something izumi told her not to do. "Yeah, its ok so far. I didn't really want to come at first, but its been better than i'd hoped...." Lin trailed off. "Sorry for rambling, I tend to do that..." She turned a light pink again. Kya gave her a soft smile. "You didn't ramble." She locked eyes with Lin. "Im kya," Lin widened her eyes at the hand kya extended for her to shake. "Lin," she shook her hand. "Wanna see backstage?" Kya pulled out another backstage pass much like the one she was wearing. Lin gaped at her for a moment. "Are you allowed to do that? I don't wanna be trouble..." Kya lifted the pass over Lin's head and let it rest against her chest. Lin glanced and caught tenzin's eye as she was ushered backstage.

Damnit tenzin, a "thumbs up" will not help me in this situation. Lin almost huffed out loud. "KYA! We have been looking for you everywhere! Who's this?" A tall woman with black and red hair ran up to the pair. "This is Lin, shes gonna watch us from backstage" Much to kya's surprise, Izumi grinned and gave lin a high five. "Great! You wanna hang out after?" She sounded a little drunk, so lin turned to Kya, who simply shrugged. "Up to you, Lin. This is izumi, and this is bumi," she gestured to each respectively. "Bumi is my older brother, and izumi is his girlfriend. So, what do ya say to hanging out after the show?" Kya looked at lin hopefully. "I mean sure i guess, let me text my friends that ill be late so they can head home without me." Kya looked a little concerned as she watched lin type on her phone. "I don't want to keep you if you have plans..." Lin grinned and waved her off. "Nah they probably wanna fuck in the car after this." izumi and bumi both burst out laughing. "It's a plan then. Lets show you where our room is, then we can all head upstage"

An hour later, the band and Lin were back in their room packing up their instruments and taking off makeup and the like. Lin did her best to be helpful, but mostly ended up talking to Kya as the couple flirted. Kya's guitar was very easy to put away and into her car, but izumi and Bumi were taking forever with his drumset and her keyboard. "Hey, it cool if i meet you guys at home?" they just giggled a little. "Yea, but avoid Bumi's room!" Kya turned bright red and dragged a laughing Lin behind her.

"So i was thinking we get some ice cream?" Kya glanced at lin while she drove. "I'd like that." Lin ghosted her fingers over Kya's arm, then pulled away, blushing. Kya noticed her blush as they pulled into the parking lot of the 24-hour diner and parked close to the doors. Just as she was about to get out of the car, she turned when she felt Lin's soft hand gently grab her own. "Thank you for letting me hang out with you. I love my friends, but it's nice to hang out with people that are similar to me for once." Kya smiled and nodded "And thank you for saying yes! Izumi and bumi have been wanting me to make new friends for ages now, and well, if you would like, we could hang out more often?" Kya seemed to wince at her last request, but Lin grinned. "Of course!"

Another hour passed before they got to Kya's home. Kya led Lin into the kitchen. "What do you drink?" She asked, trying to ignore the sounds from upstairs. Lin, glad for the distraction, responded quickly. "Ill have whatever you have." Kya nodded and grabbed two glasses and a bottle of fireball and they moved into a room farther away from the noise. She shut the door, and Lin sat down on the bed. This appeared to be kya's room. "So uh, they always this loud?" Kya facepalmed with a snort. "I'll take that as a yes." Lin giggled, accepting a glass of fireball from Kya and sipping it. They talked for about an hour, getting more and more drunk. The sounds stopped about a half hour after they had arrived home, but they stayed in the room, gravitating closer to each other the longer time went on. Lin took Kya's glass and the empty bottle and set them unceremoniously on the nightstand, moving back as Kya pulled her back into a backwards embrace, exhaling on her neck. Lin shivered and turned back to capture kya's lips in a kiss, making her melt and let Lin turn to straddle her. "You wanna do this?" Lin growled into her ear. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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