(Slight language) Chapter 1: new arival

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A/n (this is like the AFTERMATH of the movie ALSO Giulia is the proper way of spelling her name.... So don't come at me!it kept autocorrecting to Roberto from Alberto, sorry abt that.)
-Luca, (Y/N), and Giulia's POV-
Luca- School has been AMAZING! I've kept my promise and wrote to my parents as well as Roberto at least once a week. I've also made a new BEST friend. Her name is (Y/N). She's GREAT! Although I don't think her and Giulia get along very well..... BUT BESIDES THAT! It's summer break and I'm FINALLY going to get to see Roberto again!
Giulia- I CANT WAIT! I get to see Papa and Roberto again!!! But unfortunately (Y/N) is coming along because she has no where to go and papa suggested she stay with us. I don't HATE her, she just gives off weird vibes.
(Like what? She's done LITERALLY nothing.)
And I don't want her to stab us in the back when/if she finds out that Luca is a sea monster. I'm just being protective! That's a good thing.... Right? (Depends on wether or not you're being OVERprotective)
(Y/N)- I CANNOT CONTAIN MY EXCITEMENT! I'm about to spend a summer with Luca and Giulia... speaking of which even though she kinda hates me, I really want to be her friend. So that's my goal this summer! BECOME FRIENDS WITH GIULIA! I'm just hoping since where she lives has a lot of water, they won't find out I'm a siren. (Not those mermaid things! They look exactly like what Luca is, they just sing like sirens) IM NOT EVEN AN EVIL SIREN! So I hope they'll understand and not try to kill me for fish filet.
I'm also excited to meet Roberto, I've heard a lot about him. Hopefully he's as kind and daring as they say or imma be bored af!
(Ooooh guess who we're gonna hear from next?!
( ˘ ³˘)♥︎that's right my children)
Roberto- Luca's been writing to me a lot, thankfully! He's mostly been talking about school and his new friend. WHICH IM TOTALLY NOT JEALOUS! I'm actually excited to meet her! She seems like a nice enough human. She actually sounds nicer than Giulia! If that's even possible!
I can't WAIT to see everyone tomorrow! This summer is going to be AWESOME!

<Pixar>Luca>  Alberto Scorfano x readerWhere stories live. Discover now