Chapter 59 - Assassination Attempt

Start from the beginning

"You saved me." Lena murmurs into Kara's ear.

"Yes.... I will always save you Lena..." Kara replies, still clinging to her girlfriend.

"Kara, you need to get Lena and Sam out of here, we don't know if there is another shooter around." Alex says, all while attempting to stop the bleeding of the man who attempted to shoot Lena.

Kara pulls back from the hug, realising that her sister is right, it is more important to get Lena and Sam to safety, than to hug her girlfriend out of relief.

"Yes, right, are you going to be okay?" Kara asks.

"The DEO should be here in a few minutes. I would however appreciate if once you three are inside that Supergirl could appear... just to scan for other people...." Alex says.

"Right." Kara replies, nodding her head, before then turning to look between Sam and Lena. "Come on guys, this way."

"Alex I...." Sam says, still in shock.

"Go, Sam!" Alex replies, sternly, wanting her maybe girlfriend to be out of harm's way, and in the safety of the L-Corp building.

Sam nods her head in response and joins Lena and Kara. Kara then begins walking both Lena and Sam towards the L-Corp building, with an arm around the back of each woman as they walk either side of her. A few moments later, Kara, Sam and Lena all make it safely inside the L-Corp lobby, where there are people frantically moving around, obviously worried by the sound of the gunshot outside.

"Okay, you should both go up to Lena's office. Alex and I will meet you up there once we are all done here." Kara says.

"Kara, I'm not just going to sit in my office while people are panicking." Lena says, to her girlfriend.

Kara turns and focuses on Lena.

"Yes, you are. There is nothing you can do right now. Let Supergirl and the DEO sort everything out. You can deal with any issues in regards to L-Corp once we are happy that everything is safe. You were the target, Lena; you would be putting yourself and others in danger by trying to help." Kara explains.

"I... I still could do something... rather than hide in my office.." Lena replies, not wanting to be some damsel that sits in her office and hides herself away to protect herself from threats, by doing that she would basically be giving in to Lex.

"Lena." Kara says, a lot more sternly, grabbing both of the Luthor's hands. "You need to be with our daughter right now. She is the most important thing in this moment. Heavens knows what she is feeling if she heard about the shooting, or was watching it on TV. You need to be with Alura, and make sure she is safe, and not scared."

Lena's eyes go wide upon Kara telling her this, and any thoughts that she should be doing anything else quickly melt away.

"Right... yes... okay..." Lena nods.

"Good." Kara nods her head, before leaning in and placing a quick peck on Lena's cheek. "I'll be back as soon as I can."

Kara then turns away from Sam and Lena, and taps the side of her glasses, activating her suit, before then zooming off before anyone can even see the suit appearing. Once Kara is gone, Lena turns to look at Sam.

"Come on Sam, let's go to my office." Lena says.

Sam looks at Lena, clearly still stunned by the events that have transpired, and then hesitantly nods her head. In response to Sam's hesitation, Lena puts an arm around Sam's shoulder, before then guiding them towards the elevator which leads to her office. Once the two women are inside, and alone, the elevator begins moving, and Lena looks at Sam, knowing she needs to talk to her friend. Usually, Lena would wait a while longer, just so the other person has a bit more time alone with their thoughts, to process everything. However, unfortunately, right now Lena does not have the option to give Sam some more time alone with her thoughts, due to the two of them being about to arrive on her office floor with Jess and Alura. Lena doesn't think that it would be a good idea to have a conversation like this with Sam in front of Alura, and she certainly isn't going to ask Jess to watch Alura outside for a while longer while she talks to Sam. Once Lena sees Alura again, she isn't going to let her out of her sight. Lena is going to hold onto her daughter tight, and show her all the love she has for her, which is endless. Lena is also pretty sure that if Alura has found out about the shooting, that she won't want to let her out of her site either.

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