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Today was the same as any other day to Summer. But to Charlie and

Leon this day was one that they would never forget. L O V E. What does

it even mean? To Leon and Charlie this was Summer. She didn't like

Leon and wasn't over the moon with Charlie. Summer had previously

been in a relationship with a boy called Mark. Charlie had basically turned

their relationship from being a casual talk relationship to being a pile of

shit. Khian was also part of this process. Mark was being home schooled

from now on so there wouldn't have been much face-to-face talking

anyway. L O V E. Marcus was very close to Summer. This was never a

bf/gf relationship but it was a protective sibling kind. But that didn't

mean he didn't love her.

She arrived at school and still didn't know that Charlie had feelings for

her. Leon had already told her and had been turned down but since

Charlie was aware that Summer was single, he would make a move.

First two lessons were a blur because she was thinking about Mark and

how their relationship had come to an abrupt end. Once break was upon

the School Charlie was acting all weird yet Summer still didn't really

notice. Marcus did though and picked up that he was totally into her so

he asked. "Summer don't you think Charlie is being kinda weird. "

Summer didn't know what to say so she just shrugged. As break was

slowly reaching an end Charlie felt the need to confess his love to

Summer in private. Marcus being the protective sibling type, despite not

actually being her sibling, was desperate to know what they were

talking about. After their awkwardly long discussion Charlie needed to

wrap things up and so he said. "Summer... Leon wants to go out with

you..... But switch Leon with me." Marcus practically died from

awkwardness when he heard this. "Erm okay I'll send you the answer

over email I guess" replied summer in confusion.

A Summers dayWhere stories live. Discover now