Ch.38 Soul's Solace

Start from the beginning

Kiara bit down on her bottom lip and looked over her shoulder. She knew she should not be snooping around. But she wanted to know more about the boy who made her heart skip beats every time he looked at her. She needed to know more about him. With a small inhale, Kiara pulled the drawer open.

Something rattles inside, making Kiara's heart beat faster. She looked over her shoulder at the door once more before turning back and looking inside the drawers.

Her eyes caught on the small blue box that slid around the large drawer. A stack of old photographs laid underneath. Kiara picked up the box and peaked inside to find two necklaces with wings hanging from them. She ran her finger over them, admiring the craftsmanship. As she stood holding the large pair of wings in between her fingers, her eyes landed on the photographs in the drawer.

Kiara put the blue box away and picked up the photos. Her eyes ran over the small girl in the photograph with wild curly hair and a crazy smile. For a few seconds she thought it was Lyla, but that couldn't be possible.

Beside the girl, a young boy sat with his arms around the girl as if he was pulling her towards himself. He too had the carefree smile, only possible for innocent children to produce. His dark blue eyes looked straight into the camera as if someone had called his name. Kiara couldn't help but smile as she pulled the photo closer.

Suddenly, the door knob to the room turned and the door opened without a warning. Kiara gasped and whirled around to find Killian walking in. He stilled immediately and looked up at her in alarm.

"What..." he began slowly. "What are you doing here?"

"I..." Kiara's throat dried up and her ears began to ring. "I...."

Killian waited for Kiara to answer as her cheeks began to heat up. She hid the photo behind herself and looked around the room for something that might be able to help explain why she was there. But her head was already spinning. She couldn't make sense of anything.

"I..." Kiara tried to speak again. "I was just...."

Just then, Kiara felt her body tingle and grow as heavy as led. She felt the wind be knocked out of her as something pulled her back and she began to fly through the air. The last thing she remembered before hitting the hot pavement in the middle of a small town was Killian's voice yelling out.

"Kia!" he had said.

Kiara barely had time to understand what was going one when a loud explosion erupted behind her. She lifted herself off the pavement and looked around in the darkness as the gas station in front of her caught on fire. People began to scream and run in all sorts of directions. Some ran right past Kiara as if they couldn't see her sitting on the road with her brown eyes wide and full of fear.


Kiara screamed as a pair of warm hands wrapped around her arm and pulled her up to her feet.

"It's okay," Killian turned her around to face him. "It's okay. It's me. It's okay."

"How..." Kiara looked at the fire over Killian's shoulder. "How did I...."

Before Killian could answer, there was another explosion. The air around them soaked up the heat from the fire, blowing back Kiara's hair. Her cheeks turned red from the amber as her eyes reflected the raging blaze.

"There are people still inside," Kiara's eyes widened.

"I know," Killian said, his voice defeated and soft.

"We have to help them!" Kiara tried to move away.

"We can't," Killian pulled her closer.

"They will die!" Kiara felt her eyes release the tears she had been holding.

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