1. Just a Regular Day

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~𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓾𝓵𝓪𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ~

This story starts with you being late for school. You weren't just late, you were incredibly late. This was unfortunately a common occurrence. On many occasions, you have left the house looking like a hot mess. Today was one of those days. Your hair was all over your face and your clothes were hanging off.

Running to school was always exhausting and had little to no payoff. All you got from it was achy muscles and sweat dripping from every part of your body. Gross.

Unlike many other romances, you would not be bumping into your soulmate whilst trying to get to school. Nobody would get coffee spilt on them, and nobody would be getting knocked to the ground. This was just a boring morning

You got to school in one piece, but you were immediately rushed into the bathroom by your best friends. Even if you were going to be late, they would always wait for you. They would also always drag you to the bathroom. It was like they were your stylists. But that's to be expected when you are the lead singer of their band. You need to look your best at all times.

As usual, you had your mini-makeover before heading to class. Today your first class was chemistry, and you hated it. It was boring, and the teacher always droned on. This however did not mean you wanted to be late. It was worse to be late because unlike your friend Chloe, you could not pay the teacher to let you off. No, you would have to sit through an hour's detention after school. So once you stepped foot in his class, you regretted it. Before you even got to your seat, he gave you a detention.

Due to the boring lecture, your mind drifted elsewhere. That elsewhere was anime. Nobody knew about your obsession and they never would. You were a closeted weeb, the reason being you had a reputation to uphold. Being in a band made you pretty popular, and the fact you were the lead singer of said band did not help. You guys were seen as cool and talented, and unfortunately being a weeb didn't fit that aesthetic. People didn't act kindly to weebs in your school, they were seen as loser virgins.

The school you went to was great, it was a private school, and it was very expensive to get in. luckily you got in on a music scholarship. If you didn't have a scholarship, there would be no way for you to go, as the fees were just too much. Being a member of a private school came with its downsides. One being the people who attended it. Don't get me wrong, there were some nice people, but some people were stuck-up snobs that thought they were better than everyone else.

Anyway, you were sitting in class thinking about anime, the one, in particular, was Haikyuu. You had not had a chance to watch it yet, but you were excited about it. You already knew most of the characters' names and positions. People online went crazy about the anime, especially the characters. There was one character that people drooled over, his name was Oikawa. Oikawa was pleasing on the eyes, but you had a small feeling that you weren't going to like him. This worried you because you didn't want to get attacked by the fandom.

This thinking went on for the whole lesson, you were so deep in thought you almost didn't hear the dismissal bell. Fortunately, the dismissal bell was simply too loud for you to miss. Like every student in that class, you were in a rush to leave, so you packed up your bag and ran out of the classroom. You were going to meet your friends in the music room. You always spent your breaks there. It helped that you were very friendly with the music teachers.

Your friends were already there, they were sitting at a table talking. You didn't even have to hear anything to know what they were talking about. Soulmates. They were constantly talking about it. But whenever you came around they would quieten up. This was because you had never once heard from your soulmate, which was not normal. Everyone else in your school had at least heard from them once. Some people had even found their soulmates. It has gotten to the point where you no longer believe in soulmates.

'Hey y/n!'' One of your friends smiled. Before you could respond, one of your other friends butted in. "Do you guys want to walk around campus with me?" it was Bell. Bell was one of the lucky ones and had found her soulmate, it was obvious she wanted to go see him. Of course, you came with them and like usual they pushed you to the front of the group to lead. You found it strange that today you were at the front of the group when you didn't even suggest the walk.

You guys walked until you got to the gymnasium. This is where Bell's boyfriend always was. Every time you went to see him, it made you a little upset that you didn't have a soulmate. But you still went anyway.

So there you sat in the gym watching all the boys train or talk to their girlfriends. Your friends were whispering about something until they all turned to you. "Hey y/n?" Chloe questioned. You simply hummed in response. "You see that boy over there in the blue hoodie?" you being only able to see in grey tones sighed, "Chloe, I can't see colour." you sighed once again. You were born completely colour blind, all you could see were shades of grey, it was quite a boing visual. But you got used to it. Chloe was the forgetful friend and often forgot this fact.

"Anyway, his name is Craig, he and Mia from the basketball team are soulmates. When I found..." after a while, you blocked Chloe out. To pass the time, you looked at your phone. There was nothing particularly interesting on it, so you turned around and started to talk to Ibuki.

"So I started writing a new song, and I was wondering if you wanted to hear the demo that I recorded," you said, "of course I do." Ibuki beamed. Unfortunately, the bell rang before you could show them your next lesson was literature, you enjoyed literature a lot as you had a passion for writing. The teacher was also really nice. So you weren't too mad.


You opened the front door with a click, as you expected, your parents weren't home. You were pretty tired from the day, so you decided to go straight into your room. Having to go to after-school detention just made you even more tired. As soon as you got into your room, you flopped onto your bed. After a few moments, you got up with a sigh. Unfortunately, you couldn't lie there for the rest of the day, you had to eat. Trudging into the kitchen, you thought about the day's events. The only interesting things that happened were your art teacher asking you to paint a colourful picture when you're completely colour blind, and the weird feeling you had most of the day.

The feeling started with a sharp pain in your head. Then for around twenty minutes all you could hear was radio static. You didn't tell your friends, as you didn't want to bother them. You shrugged it off, thinking that you were just tired. But it was still at the back of your mind, as it had never happened before.

For tonight's dinner, you decided just to have noodles, as it was simple and quick. After eating, you got into the shower. The warm water cascading down your body did seem to relax you a bit, but it didn't help the nasty migraine that you had acquired. Because of the migraine, you decided to get an early night, skipping your large daily intake of anime. This saddened you, but you decided it was for the best. And with that, you drifted off into a rather uncomfortable deep sleep.  


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𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 - ᴛᴏ̄ʀᴜ ᴏɪᴋᴀᴡᴀNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ