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"Mom, please don't leave me

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"Mom, please don't leave me." — alexia ortega


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ALEXIA ORTEGA WAS NOT WHAT YOU WOULD CALL RELIGIOUS. For her faith was in science and people, not some higher power that supposedly controlled your fate. Alexia liked to believe there was a reason behind everything, you just had to find it. Whilst her neighbours and friends prayed to the wooden crosses that had hung high above their mantle, Alexia would sift through equations and lines of code to try and find her own solution to her problem. But, as she stared down at the deteriorating form of her Mother, even she was pleading into the unknown for the very thing she had repudiated: a miracle.

The once bright and joyful room of Lilith Ortega was now enveloped in sorrow and despair. Now the dull orange of the walls appeared to be a dark, mud brown that casted a shadow across the floor. Light from the lamps seemed dimmer, like the heartbreak of the room was blocking it out. It wasn't the walls casting that shadow, it was their grief. Grief that struck them to their very core and stabbed their hearts more times than they could count.

Alexia sat at her Mother's bedside, her hand clutched tightly in her own as waves continued to pour down her reddened face. The girl didn't dare tear her eyes from her Mother, not knowing what breath was going to be her last. She wanted to spend every last moment with her Mother, no second wasted. After all, there weren't many seconds left.

The teen glanced over to the other side of the bed where her Uncle Marco sat grasping his sister's other hand. The two people who loved her the most were on either side of the dying woman ensuring she was cared for and supported until the very end. When Marco first met his sister, it was love at first sight. It had been years for his parents since they had him and they had struggled to have more children, so when they found a young girl in need of a home, it was like God had granted them their wish. And now he was reclaiming her.

Alexia felt her throat close up but she didn't bare it any mind, she was more focused on her Mother at the moment. It had always just been her, her Uncle and her Mother and now their three was about to become two. Alexia didn't want to imagine what would inevitably come next: life without her Mother. All she wanted to do was hold tight to the woman that birthed her and never let go. Ever.

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