Chapter 13 - Combat

Start from the beginning

"Oh! Yeah I guess that does count." she admitted. "But that's just basic stuff that I learned from analysing hero battle videos. It's always kind of been a hobby of mine since I was a kid." y/n grinned. 

Todoroki lifted his chin a little as if amused.

"Interesting. You remind of Midoriya." he speculated out loud. He looked down at the floor in thought, then scanned y/n for a moment. He uncrossed his arms and changed his stance, putting one foot behind the other.

"Why don't we start by versing each other?" Todoroki suggested out of the blue. "I could assess your combat skill in the fight." 

Y/n widened her eyes and gasped a little, caught way off guard. They were going to start combat training WITH A FIGHT?!?

"WHA- N-now?" asked y/n in shock.

"Yeah." answered Todoroki calmly. "I can't really start teaching you combat techniques if I don't know your level first." he said logically. 

She gulped, realising that he was right.

"Um... okay!" she agreed nervously. Y/n put her foot behind the other in a brawling stance and gulped. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath in, yet again attempting to calm herself. 

Calm down, it's just training, y/n, focus...

She opened her eyes again and looked straight at Todoroki. He started slowly shuffling closer. Y/n felt her heart beat in her throat as she started to circle around the mat to meet him in the centre. 

"Okay. Let's fight." Todoroki said, calmly advancing. Y/n gulped again and shuffled over so that they were practically right in front of each other. 

Todoroki started intensely at her for a moment before suddenly swinging his right arm at y/n's face. She quickly ducked, caught off guard at how fast he started. 

JEEZ he's fast!-

He threw another punch with his left, aimed at her stomach, which she stepped to the side to avoid. Todoroki continued to come at her nonstop, throwing punch after punch at her, who was barley dodging as they circled around the centre of the room. 

Y/n desperately racked her brain for something to do, but just like in their match on Monday, he was giving her no time to think. 

Todoroki stepped back and stopped for a moment.

"Good dodging, y/n, but don't hold back. Come at me." he said smoothly. Y/n grit her teeth and moved over the mat to meet him. He started throwing punches again, y/n dodging each one, but watching more carefully this time. 

Suddenly she saw an opening as his right arm was extended past her face as she dodged his jab.

If she ran past his extended arm, she could grab his shoulder, turn herself around and push him onto the ground from behind. 

Here's my chance!-

Y/n extended her own right arm to grab his right shoulder. Todoroki spun himself around in a 180 degree turn in an instant, now behind y/n's extended shoulder as her face went pale with shock. 

She felt a firm hand on her shoulder and another one wrap around her wrist. Todoroki pulled down her wrist and used y/n's own gravity against her as he slammed her onto the floor, pinning her right arm and shoulder to the ground in one swift movement. She wheezed as the air was knocked out of her so suddenly. 

His grip tightened when she tried to squirm from her position. Y/n soon realised that it was useless to try and move; Todoroki had completely taken her down in a matter of seconds. 

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