Chapter 2

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"I was officially curious

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"I was officially curious. So I decided to ask"


Snape's P.O.V

I have to tell her. She has to know the truth. She needs to know she's the dark Lords daughter. I have decided to tell her after class. I know it will be life changing but she needs to know. With the Dark Lord's return he will eventually look for her. 

Hermione's P.O.V

I was in potions class listening to the lesson on a sleeping draught. I was making sure to take notes because I know how hard Snape is on everyone. 

"Today, We are making the sleeping draught. If made properly it can be useful. But if you you brew with one mistake it can go terribly wrong and it would be dangerous to use" drawled Snape

He flicked his wand and the directions appeared on the board writing by themselves. 

"Begin" Snape said

I got started immediately. I made sure to follow the directions exactly. 

At the end of potions

Professor Snape started walking around and inspecting everyone's potions.

He stops and looks at Harry's potion.

"Pathetic Potter. This potion is ruined. It would not put one of us to sleep,it will kill us"

Snape waved his wand and Harry's potion disappears. Harry face remind neutral but I can tell he's scowling on the inside. 

He walks over to me and looks at my potion. I held my breath hoping it was good. 

"Hmmm. Not bad Ms Granger. It is acceptable. 10 points to Gryffindor" Snape said

I let go of my breath.

The bell rang. Everyone gathers their stuff.

"Homework for tonight is to look up what the sleeping draught is for and when and how it is used. I want two pieces of parchment. You may go. Except you Ms Granger. I have to talk to you"

I told Harry and Ron to meet me in the common room. I finished gathering my stuff and walked up to professor Snape.

"Follow me" Snape says

I follow Snape into his office.

"What do you need Professor?" I asked

"There is a matter in which Dumbledore and myself have kept from you. It is very big and very Dangerous.we wanted to wait till you were old enough and ready. Though you have a choice if you want to tell anyone about it or keep it a secret" Snape answered.

I was officially curious. So I decided to ask.

"What is it Professor?"

"You are the Dark Lords Daughter" He replies

I was shocked and confused. My parants are muggles, I'm a muggleborn. 

"What?" I asked

"You are the Dark Lords Daughter" Professor Snape repeats.

"I can't be. I'm a muggle born, my parents are muggles" I tell him..

"Let me explain" he said

I nodded my head hoping it will clear it up. "Please sir" I said politely 

"You are the Dark Lords Daughter. When your mother was sent to Azkaban he came and took you away. He put a glamour charm on you so you would look like the muggles he gave you to avoid suspicion. When you came to Hogwarts he placed a spell on the sorting hat so you were placed in any other house besides Slytherin because it would look suspicious if a muggle born was placed in Slytherin" Snape explained.

"So, I'm You Know Who's Daughter?" I asked wanting confirmation

"Yes" Snape confirmed

"You said my mum is in Azkaban. Who is she?" I asked

He sighs

"Bellatrix Lestrange" He answered

"The woman who tortured Neville's Parents?" I asked

"Yes" he replied

I was shocked.

"Wait, so that means I'm a..."

"Halfblood" Snape finished

I was speechless

"You my go" Snape tells me

I start to leave, but I turn around and face Professor Snape.

"Thanks for telling me Professor. It's good to know" I said truthfully. 

Professor Snape nods. I turn around and leave. All I could think about is how Dumbledore and my parents lied to me. Especially Dumbledore.

That old evil man

I was to busy being angry I didn't notice I was in front of the portrait of the fat lady.

"Well?" The fat lady said.

"Mimbulus mimbletonia" I said giving the password

"Precisely" The fat lady answered opening to reveal the Gryffindor Common Room

I walked in. Harry and Ginny were sitting together. Harry spots me first.

"Hey Hermione" he greets

Ginny looks at me and says hello too.

"Hi" I greeted back.

"How did your meeting with Snape go?" Harry asked

"Ok" I replied

Harry was not satisfied with my answer

"What did he want?" said Harry asking another question

I need to think of a lie

"To give me feedback on our last piece of homework" I lied

He looked convinced.

"Ok. I'm going to find Ron" He said getting up.

"Bye Harry" I said

"Bye babe" Ginny says giving him a kiss

Harry kisses her back.

"Bye" He said waving

We waved back then he left.

After he left I up and headed to the girls dorm and started to read.

Voldemort's Daughter.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant