
Start from the beginning

Aditya parted away a little and dug his fingers in his pocket, dragging a small ring out of it.

"I wanted to surprise you with this, but here, you gave me surprise with your love." he kissed her forehead and tears of happiness began to sprinkle on his cheeks.

Aditya slipped the ring on her finger and hugged her again, "I won't ever leave you."

It took her some time to adjust to the new feeling after the intense pain she felt. She was glad deep down that her fear did not come true. She wanted to protest and scold him for playing such an ugly prank on her but at that moment in his arms, she just wanted to allow herself to get soaked in his genuine happiness, she didn't mind getting wet by his tears, she didn't mind hearing his promises on the loop. Everything that was happening at that moment with her made her heart pump with happiness, a happiness that was beyond the limit of body and deep down the soul. She hugged him back and rested her head on his chest again, listening to the pumping of his heart that called only one name "Zoya.."

Zoya zoomed out of her memory and touched the edge of her ring lovingly. She always felt him close whenever she touched it. This piece of metal suddenly worthed her more than her own life. She brought it close to her lips and kissed it, imagining kissing him on his lips. She smiled at her imagination and continued to cooked delicacies. Today was the day, she planned a surprise for him. Just like the ring marked his presence in her life, she was ready to mark him with her existence for life. Zoya laughed, recalling all the efforts she took to buy the right gift for him. He is special to her, so she wanted to gift him something as special as him which would remind him of her every time he sees it.

Zoya checked the watch. She gasped as it was almost time for him to return home. She quickly lighted up the candles, spread the rose petals from the doorway to their room. She checked for the lightning once again and then finally she ran to her room to change into a new outfit, the one which he gave her a few weeks ago. Today she was ready to announce her love for him, without holding herself back. Zoya realized, although they loved each other, they never said it verbally. She knew it didn't bother him at all, but being his, she wanted to express it with words.

The clock struck 7 and she knew he would be home any moment from now. She sat on the sofa, playing with her bangles and earrings. She blushed as she replayed their memories. Her eyes began kept on running to the door back and forth every once in a while. The minutes slowly began to turn into hours and the candle around her slowly began to melt away, eventually, they died. Her eyes ran to the watch and back at the door. Her heart clenched with unknown fear. She picked her phone and dialled Aditya's number with uncertainty. Zoya avoided calling Aditya mostly because she respected his life beyond this house. He had a family and a reputation to keep and she didn't wish to disrupt it by any means.

She heard the ring for some time before it died. She looked at the screen and consoled herself, "He must be with his family." After some debate, she thought to drop a small text to him.

"You are coming?", she sent the message and kept the phone aside.

Once again the room only echoed with the sound of minute hands on the wall clock. She checked her phone and then the door once in a while expecting a reply from him. When there was no sign of him, she stood up with a broken heart to get change, just then she heard a sound from her phone. she almost flew to her device and checked the screen. Her widened smile faded away with the name on the screen.

"Why is Shawn messaging me?" she wondered, moving her thumb to check the message.

"check the news." that's it was written on it.

Zoya thought it was another prank of Shawn and thought to slide it, but then a part of her wanted to check what was it? it was okay if they fool her again, it won't hurt her but what if it was something serious.

She scanned around for the remote and switched on the TV, her hand became sweaty as she scrolled channels for news. The news reporter was taking his own sweet time beating around the bush for the topic. Just then she heard the doorbell, Zoya ignored the news coverage and setting her clothes neatly she opened the door with a huge smile.

It was not someone she was expecting it to be. It was not someone she would ever want to see again. It was an ugly page of her life that stood before her. She looked at him and tears of fear and horror began to spill on her cheeks. Her heart clenched with thousands of painful memory. Her lips quivered with the shock of seeing him. She forgot to blink and began to take steps behind. She suddenly became deaf to everything around her. Her breath became shallow and she hugged herself involuntarily to protect herself from his eyes.

The man stepped inside the house with a smirk. He looked at Zoya from top to bottom and licked his lips. She looked absolutely delicious to him. Oh! he suddenly missed those soft moulds of her. How much he enjoyed crushing them between his hands all those nights, how much he enjoyed to see them growing up from a flat chest to a fully grown-up breast under his palm. He looked at her lips, she looked more attractive than before and the fact that she still fears him fuelled his Manhood. He licked his lips more and stopped in the centre of the house. Each step that he took ruined the flowers that Zoya has decorated for Aditya. They were crushed mercilessly beneath his feet, just the way how he had crushed her life in his lust.

Her eyes became a pool of mixed emotions while His eyes were filled to the brim with lust. He felt a boner on the fact that he has turned her into this heavenly exotic beauty with his .... he rubbed between his pants to ease the stiffness that began to occur while seeing her in before him.

"Why are you here?" she dared to ask making him raise an eyebrow at her.

"Are you not happy to see me Zoya?"

She didn't reply and cautiously kept watching his every move.

"Leave me right now." she tried to sound firm but her voice became heavier with her past trauma.

"I am not here with an intention to live either," he replied amused. "I am here to take you back with me."

What!! colours flew off her face and her ears became sensitive even for the slightest tweak.

"Your Ammi is dead Zoya and I am a lot alone. I need you to lessen my loneliness like old days." she began to shiver as he spoke further, "I missed you Zoya, Didn't you missed your Abu? I am here to take you back to the world where you rightfully belong to .." He grinned showing his yellow teeth, his hands stretched open for her to hug him. Zoya darted her eyes from his hands his face, all the while she inside started to shatter pieces by pieces.

Her head tried to hold on to consciousness while she roamed her eyes around for help. She felt weak before this man. Tears dripped her eyes and disappeared between her chest. Her trauma and fear, made his boner became even worst. Zoya's eyes turned to the arched clothing and her eyes widened, she quickly reached out to her phone and tapped few buttons on it while placing it over her ear

"Please Aditya " she cried in between her words.

The man relaxed and cooly walked to the sofa, taking a place next to her. She quickly moved aside focussing on her phone, while he picked up the remote and increased the volume.

"It is celebration time for the Hooda family. Finally, the most wanted Bachelor of the town is taken away. With the upcoming merger of two powerful families, Aditya Hooda the elder son of Hooda exchanged rings with Pooja Sharma, the daughter of the rival political family...."

The information detached the last string she held to her conscience. Her body didn't even wait until the reporter could finish talking, the phone slipped from her hand and the screen turned off. She saw the name on the screen fading away into the dark, mirroring her inside.

She gasped, forgetting to breathe. A name that threatened to leave her lips finally fell out of her mouth, "Aditya." Andthe world turned a pure image of black before her.


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