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15th of July 2020

LA, America

Elizabeth's POV

Me and Robbie are lying in our bed with Evelyn fast asleep in between us, her skin is pale, her lips dry and her nose blocked.

"Robbie she has been like this for 4 days now we should go to the hospital"I say stroking Evelyn's hair out of her face.

"How about we get her up in a half an hour and head down to the hospital"Robbie suggests, I nod and I get out of our bed and go to get ready.

Evelyn has been very clingy to Robbie, anytime she is hurt or sick, it is honestly the cutest thing ever.

I go downstairs to get all of our stuff ready to go to the hospital while Robbie wakes Evelyn up.

Robbie's POV

"Evelyn sweetheart it's time to wake up"I whisper to Evelyn, she groans and her eyes flutter open slowly, I smile and brush her hair out of her face.

"Dada"she whispers before making grabby hands to me, I smile and pick her up gently.

"How about you stay with mama while dada gets dressed yea?"I ask Evelyn, she shakes her head and buries her head into my neck even more.

I sigh and grab a clean pair of trousers and a clean top, I struggle to get dressed with a little girl clinging onto me but I manage.

"Hey my beautiful daughter and my handsome husband"Elizabeth says smiling as she walks back into the bedroom, I smile and she comes over and kisses me before kissing Evelyn's forehead.

"Let's get going then shall we?"I say bouncing Evelyn up and down gently, Elizabeth slips a pair of socks on her feet before putting a pair of trainers her.

We all head downstairs to the car, I go to put Evelyn in her car seat while Elizabeth locks the front door.

"No dada"Evelyn whines holding onto my t-shirt but she is too weak so I easily slip her into her car seat, I hate seeing her like this but it is just how it is.

I get into the car and wait for Elizabeth to get in before driving to the hospital.

We get to the hospital and I go around to Evelyn's side and pick her up bringing her into the hospital with Elizabeth behind me.

"Hello how may I help you?"A nurse asks walking up to us with a smile on her face.

"My daughter here has been throwing up everything she eats for the last four days and has had a sore throat and a blocked nose since she first got sick"I explain to the nurse, she nods and leads us to one of the beds in the far corner of the ER.

I lay Evelyn on the bed while me and Elizabeth just stand beside her, I stroke her head while she just looks around confused and tired.

"Hello I'm Dr. Wilson, I will be having at look at your daughter"Dr. Wilson says smiling at me and Elizabeth.

"Hello, this is our daughter Evelyn, she is three years old and has been throwing up for the last four days and has had a sore throat and a blocked nose for the last four days as well"Elizabeth explains, Dr. Wilson nods and hooks Evelyn onto an I.V.

"I am just going to give her some fluids and have a look at her abdomen really quick and see what's wrong"She explains, we both nod and I lift her top up so Dr. Wilson can check what's wrong.

She does a quick check up and smiles, I'm guessing it is good news.

"Well it is just a tummy bug and should pass in the next couple of days, I am going to give you some medicine for her and then you guys can head home"Dr. Wilson says smiling to us before walking off to get her medication.

"At least it isn't anything too serious"Elizabeth says kissing her forehead, Dr. Wilson comes back with her medication, we thank her and I pick Evelyn up again and we all head out to car to go home.

My poor baby is sick, this is going to be a hard couple of days.

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