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"caroline i love tou..." chia said while she gave caroline a hug. caroline was goinf to be actually helpful in the war and fight......chiaq was scared.............they said their last goodbyes.....................
"same🥺👉👈.......i wil not die and i will come home to ohr two daughter" caroline started cryimg.....................................they bith hugged and did gay couple things bc they would nt see each other ever again most likely..............caroline walked away as she waved to her beloved......she was gone........

chiaq was alone now.......with her two daughter.....................theh all cry....................and then go back to the war................sad......

y/n watches from the bush near them......y/n always looked up to chiaq.........and to see her in such a asad made them sad too..............they watched as chuaq and her daughters walked back to brockenz..........y/n secretly followed foght alongside make her happy...........was what y/n wanted to do.............little did they know somethinf amazind was going ti happen........................

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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