Unsavoury Dinner

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(Y/N)'s POV

I was sitting on the sofa and playing with Mr. Hyde when i suddenly remembered that father had came back home.

I grabbed Mr. Hyde and left my room, down the stairs, and out the hallway. Going through the twists and turns of the house but not seeing father anywhere. Or mother or anyone. Hmm... i wonder where they went...

Im sure they'll come back later today. Then i can tell dad of what Mr. Hyde and i have been doing! Dad never wants to listen to my stories but maybe now he will? You never know until you keep trying and it happens! Is what Grampa always says!

Huh? What the... What is that clicky noise?

I looked at my hand and saw that Mr. Hyde was shaking a bit. Is he cold? I guess it is kind of cold today. Im not allowed to light fires and i can't find Ms. Anna anywhere so i'll just go find a blanket for him.

Kabane's POV

Once in the house, i noticed a drastic difference from the outside. It's cold. Very cold. Not only that but i have a constant feeling that something is watching me. I looked down the hallways left and right but see nothing. Still, the feeling doesn't go away...

I then heard a light rattle and it looks like Inugami-san heard it too. The doll was shaking in my hand. Only a bit but it was definitely noticable.

Kabane "i think it's trying to show us something."

Inugami-san thought for a bit.

Inugami "alright. Let's see where it leads us but be careful, Kabane. Who knows what that thing might do to us while we're here..."

I held out my arm forward and the doll's head turned to look down the hallway. We followed where it's head turned and eventually found ourselves in the kitchen.

Once in there, the doll stopped moving. I looked at Inugami-san.

Kabane "it stopped."

Inugami "hm... what does it want here...? Oh wait. Maybe this..."

Inugami-san set the diary on the dining table and opened it.

Inugami "Mary Belladonna. October 3rd 2018."

Mist came out the diary and formed the family all sitting at the dinner table with another woman standing in the background wearing a maid's outfit. They were all eating their food with the exception of the woman standing and (Y/N) who is playing with his doll.

Mary "(Y/N) dear, finish your food before you play."

(Y/N) "but mooom! Im already full!"

Karl "no wonder you're so skinny." The man said harshly.

Mary "Karl!"

Karl looked away while clicking his tongue and the boy just looked sad while grabbing his fork again. The old man then turned to (Y/N) with a big smile.

Miguel "hey (Y/N). Have i ever told you about the story of Ms. Daisy's legendary salmom recipe? It's said to be so good that people from different kingdoms would all flock to her place just to have a bite. And that only her descendants know the recipe of it. And here's a little secret. Ms. Anna over there looks very similar to Ms. Daisy." The old man said as he pointed to the maid.

(Y/N)'s smile got bigger and bigger and Ms. Anna smiled back kindly at him and nodded.

Miguel "I'll tell you the full story if you finish all that up."

(Y/N) nodded happily and began eating again.

Karl "psh. Small and not smart either. How long is it gonna take him to figure out that all those stories are fake?"

Mary "Karl Belladonna that is enough!!"

The woman slammed her hands down on the table which took everyone's attention.

The man stood up as his chair fell to the back. He left the room and slammed the door shut as he did.

Mary sat back down and exhaled before calling the maid over to her.

Mary "Anna could you check on him? Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid but don't get caught."

Anna "of course mistress."

The maid bowed and left the room. Everyone turned to mist once more and returned into the diary. Once all the mists were gone, we saw someone standing at the back. It was the exact same maid that was in that memory.

Inugami "Anna. Right? Are you a ghost too?"

Anna "yes, i am a ghost..."

Inugami "what happened there, at that memory?"

Anna "Mr. Karl is a horrible man. Kind to no one. Especially not to his son... after he left, i was told to check on him and i did. Unfortunately, i was caught and.... died...."

Inugami "he killed you?"

Anna "yes. Shot me. I didn't die yet but i was too weak to move or do anything... then he hid my body in the basement. I died in a locker, succumbing to my wounds and bloodloss..."

Inugami-san stood silent for a few seconds.

Inugami "how do we get to the basement?"

Anna "this house hides many secrets... in the library, the fourth bookshelf from the right wall is fake, pull it and it will reveal the way... i must go now... or He will find me..."

Kabane "he?"

Anna "the wraith...."

Just like the caretaker, Anna began to twitch and then dissappeared through a wall.

We went to where Anna told us to go. The library and pulled the bookcase to reveal a stone staircase going down into complete darkness.

Inugami "walk slowly. And feel out the stairs."

I nodded and followed closely behind him. Once down, we saw a long dark hallway with a shadowed figure at the end...

When the lights flickered, i could swear i saw a rotted face behind a black veil...

When the lights fully turn on, it was gone. But there's only one way forward and i think by now it's pretty clear why i always feel like something is waiting to crawl out at me when i drop my guard from every bit of darkness in this house. Every wardrobe, every cupboard, every corner and under every bed...

Now i know why i always feel like im being watched... it's because i am...

And i know by what....

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