adding everyone

93 3 20

childe : HELLO

venti : HI

childe : i hear you hate me

venti : yes

childe : why

venti : ...

childe : lets make a server

venti : SURE

childe : *makes server*

venti : *adds diluc*

childe : *adds other genshin chars*

GRANDADDY: What is this?

Bloody Tampon: I dont know, and what are these names?

fowl legacy KING : LMAO

musical drunkard: JXJHSNWDNKJAQW


Bloody Tampon: How do you kick someone?

GRANDADDY: Can someone explain? I'm new to this...internet environment. 

fowl legacy KING : get used to it grandpa


ghostbuster: ZHONGLI IS THAT YOU

GRANDADDY: Me? Who are you? I don't really understand the point of silly names. 

ghostbuster: HUTAO


(an)emo boy: Hutao?

ghostbuster: LMAO EMO

(an)emo boy: This seems like a waste of time..

fowl legacy KING: im taking regular breaks just for this

that pan hat thooo: no you wont

fowl legacy KING: oh? how so?

that pan hat thoo: im older and more superior and i'll tell the tsaritsa about this

---> 6thfatuiharbinger#6678  was kicked.

Bloody Tampon: Ok

musical drunkard: DILUC

Bloody Tampon: what

musical drunkard: did you know thousands of ppl everyday die from DN?

Bloody Tampon: No, what is that?


musical drunkard: DEEZ NUTS

ghostbuster: LMAO HAHAHWHA

See you later, DilucOfMondstadt#4290. Come back soon. :(


GRANDADDY: Diluc left?

ice ice baby: think so

my liegez: Dearest Chongyun?

ice ice baby: Xingqiu!

my liegez: We should meet up tonight!

ghostbuster: at least bring me with you

gordon ramsay: ME TOO!!

(an)emo boy: Is Venti musical drunkard?

musical drunkard: yes loll

GRANDADDY: Oh. Makes sense, considering what you do.

fowl legacy KING: OOOOOOOOH


ghostbuster: SHOTS FIRED

(an)emo boy: ...

musical drunkard: At least I'm not dense enough to think someone would wait six hours for a pot of tea. 

ghostbuster: PLS

Elsa: Damn Zhongli-

alchemist man: That isn't that convenient for one soul, no?

GRANDADDY: You tricked the poor traveler.

musical drunkard: bruh

fowl legacy KING: *adds diluc*

Diluc: Why did you add me back

fowl legacy KING: idk

Diluc: At least I have a normal name now

my liegez: @ice ice baby where should we go?

gordon ramsay: TAKE ME WITH UUU

ice ice baby: uh...who are you?

gordon ramsay: XIANGLING *SOB*

fish eel: What is this name. "Fish eel"? No. This is wrong. For I, Fischl, am the Prinzessin Der Verteilung, and you should never disrespect such a Prinzessin as me. 

Tohma(to): * takes out polearm * AAAAAAAA

Inazuman Kaeya: Have you actually taken out your polearm or are you just, acting. 


GRANDADDY: Roleplay?

fowl legacy KING: YES

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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