Nothing Left To Lose - Dream

Start from the beginning

She ignores his mean-ish response and flips to the next blank page in the book. After writing a sentence down, she passes it back to him.

Dream reads it. "A story about something you once cared about"

He puts the book away in his inventory. "Thanks..."


Y/n rants for a little while after that. Dream doesn't mind that much, it gave him something to think about other than his 12-by-12 obsidian box. Plus he sort of enjoyed hearing her voice anyway...though he would never admit it aloud.

However, Y/n stops when the lava outside suddenly disappears.

"Y/n, come back over," Sam calls, his voice carried by the echo of the large room now void of lava.

"I still have an hour," Y/n objects sharply. Her tone surprises Dream since few were brave enough to stand up to the warden.

Dream looks past Sam and visibly tenses at the sight of Quackity, who steps out onto platform to cross over to the cell.

"You should go..." He mumbles to the woman beside him.

Y/n looks between him and the casino owner as Quackity arrives at the cell. "What...?"

"Seriously Y/n, you might want to get out of here," Quackity remarks non-chalantly as he takes a Netherite sword from his inventory. "This tend to get messy,".

Dream rises to his feet, prompting Y/n to also stand.

"Quackity can't you just leave him alone?" Y/n pleads.

"Not after what he's done. Why do you keep visiting him anyway?" Quackity scoffs.

"He's my friend,"

Does she really think that...?

As Y/n begins to argue with their unwelcome guest, Dream becomes lost in his thoughts.

He cared about Y/n. Well, he cared about all of his old friends even if he said he didn't.  But Y/n was someone that he cared about especially.

In this situation, although Sam was watching nearby, Dream wouldn't put it past Quackity to try and attack her if he got too angered by her resistance.

"We're not friends, Y/n," Dream says suddenly, halting the argument nearby.

Y/n glares at him slightly. "What...?"

"I said we aren't friends. We never were," He takes a step towards her. Y/n, being as stubborn as she was, stands her ground of course. "You were just a pest who never left me alone. I never cared about you, I only let you into the SMP because I felt bad for how pathetic you were,"

"Excuse me?" She snaps. "I don't believe a single piece of bullsh*t that just came out of your mouth,"

Seriously...just get out of here...please

"Are you deaf? I. Don't. Care," Dream growls. "You're weak Y/n. You always have to rely on others to save you. You can't do anything for yourself. Is that why you're here? Because I'm all you have left and you don't want to be alone?"

She opens her mouth to speak, but shock must have hold her back.

Is she...afraid of being alone...?

With that, she finally takes a step back away from him. Eyes reflecting nothing but the same bitterness that Dream had always held in his own.

"Get out," Dream says coldly, a voice that he didn't really want to use on her.

Y/n abruptly pivots on her heels and walks past Quackity, who touches her shoulder in a brief form of comfort as she passes.

Without a word, she steps onto the platform and returns to the opposite side of the lava moat.

She would leave. She would step outside and feel the warmth of the sun and the cool breeze with it. One day she might even let go of him and be free to live her life to the fullest without the thought of him as a restraint.

The lava drops, leaving Dream and Quackity alone.

"She was all you had left," Quackity remarks. "What gives?"

"She needed to leave. It was for her own good," The prisoner replies before opening his arms up. "I lost my freedom. You took my horns*. And now I've lost the final person who cared about me. I have nothing left to lose, Quackity. So kill me if you want, you'll never get the book now,"

(*a/n: my headcanon for Dream is that he's a ram-hybrid like Puffy and Tubbo)

Quackity just rolls his eyes before raising the sword in the air.


"Are you okay?" Sam asks after the lava has been lowered behind them.

"I'm fine...I don't care..." Y/n grumbles absentmindedly.

The warden places a hand on her shoulder. "Come on. I'll escort you out,"


She glances over her shoulder at the lava before they leave.

"What about them...?" Y/n murmurs.

"Quackity never goes too far. It's fine," Sam shrugs.

She can't help but feel slightly worried for Dream, but her frustration was much stronger at the moment to care much.

After a bit more hesitation, Y/n turns and follows Sam out of the prison.


hello here is your reminder to drink water and take care of yourselves because you are all important and ily <3

mcyt x reader oneshots for my soul and also for yours :)Where stories live. Discover now