Nobody asked fo this but....

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Me: Larry u up?
Larry (bestie): Yeah y?
Me: No reason I'm just bored and lonely 🥲
Larry (bestie): Oof
Me: 😡
Larry (bestie): Don't be mad emoji at me lol
Me: >:(
Larry (bestie): Okay okay I deserve that
Sketch🗒: Yo what's going on here?
Larry (bestie): Katie is lonely
Me: Wait I have an idea •w•
COLIN!!!! @Clever boi !!!!
Clever boi : m(._.)m
Why are you yelling at me?
Me: Can I come over and watch memes with u? 👉👈
Clever boi: Hell yeah, come on over.
Alarm clock ⏰: Just be quiet. People are trying to sleep here.
Clever boi: I can just go to your house, Katie.
Me: K doors unlocked

The end ig
I need people to send memes to and receive memes from
I just need friends like Larry and Colin so we can do dumb sh- together like go to a Walmart parking lot and ride around in a shopping cart
Anyways, I love all of u
K bye
I'm out!

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