chapter 3

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" Ugh another slytherin! I bet she's just as annoying and fake as all the others! " a girl screeched. What the hell did she just say to me? Does she have a death wish? 

" Hermione what are you saying " A ginger guy said bewildered.

" Yeah she seems pretty chill " A raven hair boy said, hmmm looks like a potter honestly.

" Ugh both of you just shut up ok! She looks disgusting " she screamed at me. I could tell my table already wanted to kill her, and so did I. But I just got a manicure so I decided to talk it out. Violently though.

" Excuse me what did you just say to be " I said sarcastically. I mean my first was dying to make her nose bleed but I could do it later. Preferably when there were no teachers around. 

" Ugh you're so ugly " she said back. I was physically holding Antonio back from punching her at this point. 

 I laughed, I'm pretty sure everyone was looking at me like I was a psycho but I laughed. Suddenly my eyes became darker as I stood up and walked over to her. I towered her easily, it was a tactic I often used to intimidate annoying people like herself, and it definitely worked. She was suddenly whimpering and tears were falling down her face like a waterfall. 

" Careful there, you don't want to mess with me or you'll find out just how bad I really am. Oh and you might want to wipe your face, you look like a clown " I savagely said with a blank face.

" ooof girl just got burned " Leo said while laughing like mad with everyone else. I just turned back to my table with a tiny smirk on my face, I mean it felt really good. I turned to see if any of the professor's heard and unfortunately they did. However they had the best reactions: Sirius and James where siliently giggling; Remus, Lily and Snape were shaking they're heads with amusement shining in their eyes. Dumble was sporting a small smile on his face while Minerva gave a small disappointed sigh ( but you could tell she found it funny ).  

" damn, I missed you maria, " antonio aka blaise said to me with a small laugh.  

" missed you too antonio " I responded with a small smile on m face. 

Vivi aka violet  then said " hey no ' i missed you too ' for me? " fake crying. 

" ha ha we both know I just saw you like a month ago " i said sarcastically. 

" Have we met before? Because I swear you look just like someone I know " Leo said all of a sudden. He was squinting at me like I was an ant or something. 

"No I don't believe we have but you do look somehow similar to someone I know " I said, it was true - he had very prominent Black family genes. I would know, I lived with 2 of them. 

"Hmmmmm" he said still looking at me. He honestly looked like an old lady without her glasses and still trying to read a book. 

I diverted my attention around the table, but a blonde certainly caught my attention. He no doubt was attractive but like a cocky kind of attractive. eh we could worry about boys later right now we had to find some vegetarian food - which was usually not that easy to find. 

The food magically appeared, It seems that there was no vegetarian food other than a salad so I decided to just chill for now and then later go find the kitchen and grab some food. All of them started talking, some more than others though. I didn't talk to anyone much, just putting small things here and there. What? I was tired and desperately needed food. Before I knew it I was in my private dorm room chilling. Apparently the slytherin rooms were all private, unlike the other houses, oh well sucks to be them I guess. But the rooms were beautiful: mine was at a corner so it was even larger and it had a great view of under the lake. However I did realise how incredibly polluted it was, I made a mental note to one day clean that up. 

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