Foundation Dinner

Start from the beginning

Carefully readjusting Charlie until he was cradled to her chest, his flushed cheek facing away from her for added comfort, Aurora took the teething rattle from Polly and gently slipped it between Charlie's lips as a song fell from her own.
"Twas on a Monday morning,
Right early in the year,
When Charlie came to our town
The Young Chevalier"
She rocked him lightly, keeping a firm grip on the rattle, smiling once she saw the irritation lift from his eyes and his lids grew weary and tired. He chewed down on the rattle, easing the pain in his gums as he stared up at Aurora, entrapped by her song.

"Charlie is my darling, my darling, my darling.
Charlie is my darling, the young Chevalier.
As he came marchin' up the street,
The pipes played loud and clear.
And the folk came runnin' out
To meet the Chevalier"

Soon Charlie was sleeping soundly and removing the rattle from his mouth, Aurora continued to sing hoping the vibrations coming from her chest would keep him asleep. She didn't dare move, not even a finger fell out of place and she prayed her hair wouldn't fall from over her shoulder and tickle his face. 
Tommy felt his own eyelids beginning to drop as he watched Aurora put Charlie to sleep, her voice slithered through his ears and captivated his senses causing Tommy's mind to fill with a sleep like fog, lifting the troubles from his weary shoulders.
"Charlie is my darling, my darling, my darling.
Charlie is my darling, the young Chevalier"
Aurora hadn't noticed him standing there in the door, her attention never leaving Charlie's face but Polly had spotted him right away and with a secret smile she got up from her lounge chair and left the room in search for the cake she'd handed to the maid.

"Gypsy witchcraft right there" Tommy announced himself quietly stepping into the room and slowly lifting her head, Aurora stared at him with a look of amusement.
"Finally got him to sleep" Tommy pointed at Charlie and walking over to where they were, Tommy lowered himself onto the rug and crossed his legs, picking up one of Charlie's blocks and throwing it into the air before catching it without a sound after seeing Aurora's panicked face. She really didn't want Charlie waking up.
"Cold hands" She muttered nodding towards him "Your hands, they're colder than most. You need to start laying them against his cheek. It won't startle him but soothe some of the pain and break through the fever"
"Duly noted mouse, so what brings you to Birmingham?"
"Esme's cravings, she phoned beggin' me to bake her a cake and deliver it. I also made one for Polly which explains why m'here because it seems like whenever you see me now I 'ave your child in my arms" Aurora let out a giggle looking down at Charlie with a fond grin, he was such beautiful boy.
"Well he seems to be enjoying it so I'll let it slide" There was humour in Tommy's voice, surprising Aurora as the man in front of her looked run down and exhausted beyond belief. He hadn't slept in a long while, Aurora saw all the signs only this time Tommy appeared worse than he ever had.
"You're very generous Mr Shelby"
She didn't bring up how tired he looked, there was no use, Tommy knew how tired he was and only he knew the answer to how long it would last this time. Whatever Tommy had gotten involved in was far greater, far dangerous than what he'd done before.
"Will you be attending the foundation dinner?" Tommy enquired, remembering how he'd only put down both William's and Aurora's name on the list of invites. It wasn't because he wanted to keep her close after so long, his reasonings were partially business. Aurora was a trusted employee and second in ranking to her Dad, it didn't matter that she now had another job she was still important to the company. She was also very generous where her Dad wasn't and when it came to children, she was all but ready to give the clothes off her back.
"Of course, I've got my cheque book ready for signing I'll give you anythin' you need towards the charity"
"Grace will be grateful, she needs people there who are willing to give a bit of change from their pockets. This foundation is all she ever thinks about and I'm determined to see it succeed not just for her sake but for the children too" Tommy explained taking note of the admiration in Aurora's face.
What Grace was doing was amazing and Aurora couldn't help but support her wholeheartedly. Children were the future and it was up them as adults to give them a home, food, education, love and care, everything a child would need to prosper in later life even those without families. Every child deserved the same opportunities and they certainly didn't deserve to be out on the streets or in the work houses slaving away just to eat. Broken children would lead to a broken world unless there were people willing to stand up against it.

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