All or nothing

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"It's over" Blaise says to Theo "We're okay" his voice both sad and teary. His words were like a beacon, lulling Theo to open his eyes and see whatever lays behind them, in front of them.

They say the calm comes before the storm but that isn't quite true. Calm comes after the storm, when everyones tears and screams have already drowned and choked them and they have nothing else to say. What truly comes before the storm is acceptance of what is about to come. They knew that the battle was coming. They knew it was going to be a blood bath. Everyone had come to terms with that. Everyone had to come to terms with it. The battle was a inevitable and years in the making.

Theo opens his eyes to see the castle in ruins but it's quiet. Muttered voices and a few instructions being given out. People are silently sitting at the sides, other are carrying the injured to the great hall. Theo looks at Blaise. He has a cut on his forehead and he is covered in dirt from head to toe.

Theo is sure he blacked out. He can't place anything his mind is a fuzzy mess.

"Let's get you boys out of here" Theo hears Ms Zabini say before he is lifted up by a pair of strong arms. Theo isn't sure he could form a sentence right now but he wants to thank whoever is holding most of his body weight. It isn't Draco or Blaise because he can see them. He glances down at the hands noticing a familiar necklace wrapped around their hand like a bracelet. Theo frowns before twisting his head to see Oscar Young is the one practically carrying him out of the grounds.

Theo touches the small purple stone that lays against the back of Oscars hand, the black cord wrapping around his wrist and hand.

The next thing Theo knows is that he is landing in Blaise's home garden. He stumbles from the impact, gripping onto the wall of the house for support. He glances around to see Blaise and his mother walking inside the house, Draco is picking himself off the ground whilst Oscar rolls his shoulders back a couple of times.

"How are you feeling?" Oscar asks placing a hand on Theo's shoulder. Theo looks at the hand on his shoulder before back to Oscar's face.

"I'm fine" Theo replies, the first time he's spoken in what feels like forever. His voice is raspy and slightly squeaky. Oscar eyes him curiously, letting go of his shoulder.

"Come by tomorrow" Oscar states giving him a knowing nod.

"Tomorrow?" Theo asks quietly furrowing his eyebrows because he would go right now. He would've gone straight there.

"Theo I don't know what kind of state she's going to arrive home in" Oscar replies shaking his head slightly "So please wait until tomorrow."

"Okay" Theo replies forcing his lips upwards into a small smile before turning and walking into the house.

The Zabini house always smells like expensive perfume. It's always confused Theo because it doesn't smell like Blaise's mother perfume. It's like the house has its own scent. It's a comforting smell, laced with lavender and not the kind that gives you headaches. Everyone about the house is elegant and old - from the detailed wood banisters on the stairs to the silky marble floor. It's also vibrant with lots of greenery. Theo couldn't even imagine growing up in a house like that. It's full of life with plants and framed art work, splashes of colour on the walls.

Theo climbs the stairs to find Blaise in his bedroom. A four post bed sits in the centre with dark drapes hanging around it. Theo wonders around the bedroom, briefly pausing to look at the photo of Sofia and Blaise during a New Year's Eve party a few years ago. Theo makes his way over to the large arched window, shoving his hands into his pockets and rocking back on his heels.

"How many people do you think have watched both their parents die?" Theo asks his eyes focusing on the blooming flower bed out in the garden. He hears Blaise sit on his bed. "I bet that's a small percentage. I bet it's even smaller if you got their blood on you both times."

complicated | Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now