chapter thirteen

Začít od začátku

Bucky headed over to one of the white seats, placing himself down. Steve came to sit beside him, followed by Laecie.
"Can I get you boys a drink?"
She asked before settling herself down.
"Scotch, please."
Bucky said. Laecie raised a brow.
"We're on a nice boat and the booze is free!"
He protested. She rolled her eyes snarkily in return, moving her less glassy eyes on to Steve now. She folded her arms under her boobs, propping them up unintentionally, easily visible due to the fact she hadn't changed from her black bikini but just put a jacket over it. Bucky looked respectfully, but secretly raked his eyes over them over and over, thinking about them without the skimpy bra over them, how they bounced as he moved in her. He blinked himself out of this.

"The same, please Lace."
Steve smiled, nodding at Laecie. She smiled at them both and let her arms loose by her sides, walking over to the bar.

Bucky mumbled, leaning back and slumping his back down, pulling at his shorts a little. Steve raised an eyebrow and looked over to his friend.
"You okay Buck?"

Bucky sat up, discarding of his shirt.
"Just a little hot here."
He said, trying to be reassuring as he smiled to Steve. He bit his lip.
Steve's brow stayed where it was perched, a smirk playing at his face.
"How's that.. going actually?"
He asked, a little nervously. Bucky overlooked it, Steve was always awkward talking about girls who Bucky liked.

"Good. She makes me happy, Steve. And look at her- she's just... ugh god."
Bucky placed a large hand over his face, embarrassed and going red as he groaned.
"She's so hot, drives me crazy. How'd I get with her?"

Steve scoffed, crossing his arms and leaning back too. He looked over at Laecie, who's back was to the boys as she chatted with Tony who was pouring some drinks.
"I don't know man."
Steve replied, no humour in his tone though. It sounded as if he actually didn't know. Bucky frowned for a moment, but shook it off.

"We had sex the other night."
Bucky said after a moment of silence. Steve turned his head, face a little taken aback but still keeping his cool through his amused expression.

"Mind blowing."
Bucky stated matter-of-factly. Steve sniffed, nodding and tightening his arms over his chest.
Before getting a chance to respond, everyones heads turned as AC/DCs Back In Black played from the corner of the deck. Wanda stood up, her face going scarlet as she smiled awkwardly and waved to her peers. Visions face lit up as he gave her a thumbs up, as if to praise her for a good choice. She walked to him, sitting next to him and joining whatever conversation was being had between Vision and Loki.

Laecie returned shortly after this, handing the two men their drinks and swaying back to the bar to fetch her own. For the first time on Bucky's record, there was an awkward silence between him and Steve. He furrowed his brows a little before taking a drink.

"Are you okay?"
He asked. Steve turned to him, somewhat shocked? He was unsure.
"Yeah, why?"
"You seem.. off or something. Did something happen?"

Steve placed a dumbfounded expression on his face and shook his head, no.
"Not at all, why?"

Bucky hesitated for a moment.
"Nothing I suppose. You're just being weird. Did something happen?"

Steve shook his head, patting Bucky's knee. Bucky looked up at his face, which wasn't concerned with him but rather with Laecie. Bucky furrowed his brow, unsure of how to react to this. He looked between the two, Steve's gaze focused on his girl. He said nothing.

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