Prologue Chapter 3

Start from the beginning

.~. Main Street .~.


Seven statues came to their view as they made it to the Main Street of the school, four on the left and three on the right. From the distance, they could see the school from where they were standing. Some of the students walk passed them while some of them stared at them with a questionable look as they talked to other, some of them blushed a bit after seeing them.

"Uwaaaah~ Amazing. So this is Main Street." Grim said, amazed.

"Yup, the most wonderful thing you first see everyday." Vivid said. "Even better when looking at the Dorm Heads, though I can't complain. I would look at them most of time, that it would almost make me late for class."

"I didn't get a good look yesterday but what's with these statues?" Grim said as he looked at the statues. "All seven of them look pretty scary. This granny looks especially snobby."

The first statue: The obese Queen of Hearts has a massive physique. She has fair skin, and hair that's tied in the back with a headband. She dresses in a gown with stripes. Beneath her gown are a pair of white bloomers with a heart pattern. Atop the queen's head is a small, crown signifying her authority. She also dons matching earrings. It shows her looking quite elegant, holding her wand in one hand and holding the side of her dress with the other. Her eyes were closed while giving a big smile with roses around her, it would have seem to be like she was walking by as people were bowing to her.

"You don't know about the Queen of Hearts?" a male's voice said. Looking towards the direction they saw a boy with has messy, dark orange hair and red eyes. Over his right eye, he has a red patch shaped like a heart, wearing his school uniform.

"Queen of Hearts? Is she important?" Grim asked.

"In the past, she was the queen who lived in the Rose Maze." he explained. "She was someone who valued rules and discipline above all, strict in all things from the march of the Card Soldiers to the color of rose bushes. It was a land of madness where all submit to her rule. Why you ask? Because or else it was off with your head!"

"She cuts off your head!?" Yuki said in fear as she moved away from the statue.

"That's terrifying!" Grim shouted, clutching onto Vivid's shoulder.

"That a bit extreme if you ask me." Yuri said to him. "Even with a little mistake like that?"

"It's cool! I like it." the boy answered with a smile. "Nobody would listen to a queen who's just nice all the time, right?"

"I-I do...." Yuki quietly said.

"I'm so glad that we don't have a ruler like that back home....." Yuri mumbled.

"I suppose. A strong leader is better." Grim said, agreeing with that thought and looked at the boy. "By the way, who are you?"

"That's right, I never seen you before." Vivid added. "You must be new."

"I'm Ace, a fresh-faced first year." Ace introduced himself. "Nice to meetcha~"

"Well then, welcome, welcome~" Vivid said in a happy tone. "My name is Vivid Wick, a 2nd year."

"I am Grim, a genius who'll become the greatest magician." Grim said and pointed at the twins. "The timid dimwit over here is Yuki, and the tomboyish dimwit is Yuri. They're my henchmen."

Hibiki got irritated and gave Grim deadly death glare, making the other two females look away. "I'm sorry, but who is your what now?"

"Roommates!" Grim yelped in fear after seeing her face. "Yuri and Yuki are my roommate in the Ramshackle Dorm!"

"Y-yeah.." Ace said with a sweatdrop from the scene.

"And let's not forgot the Little Dolls fellow companions, Kaen and Shimo~" Vivid said, pointing at the two foxed who cooed a greeting.

"Hey, Ace. The lion over here with the scar, are they famous?" Grim asked pointing at the second statue, getting their.

The second statue: Is what seems to be an elegant and poised looking lion, but also unkempt and wild looking. He is perhaps the most evidently feline lion in the film, lithe and melanistic in appearance with a sleek mane, tawny fur, and distinctive, almond-shaped eyes. He has large paws with long, curving claws that unlike those of other lions in the film are always bared and never retracted, perhaps alluding to his vicious nature. He also sports a goatee beard, and finally, he has a small, thin, scar over his left eye. It shows him standing proudly on a slab of a cliff-like rock and looking down on them with a smirk with the bones of an unknown animal on the side.

"Of course! This is the King of Beast who rules the Savanna." Ace said as the looked at the statue. "However, he was not born to be king, but he took the throne through effort and elaborate planning. After becoming king, he even allowed the loathed hyenas to live in his kingdom with discrimination."

"I wonder what happen to the first king?" Yuri asked as she looked at the King of Beast statue. 'Why does looking at this makes me want to hit it out of anger?'

"Ooooh. I guess he was a rock not held captive by his status!" Grim said and pointed at the next one. "Who's the lady with octopus legs?"

The third statue: Is a morbidy obese octopid. She was a cecaelia and from the waist down has six octopus-like tentacles with suckers. There was a mole on the right side of her mouth. She wears coral shell earrings and a nautilus shell necklace. The statue shown her with her hand on her hip holding a piece of paper that seems to be some kind of contract in front of them, while smiling. Under her, is seem to be that she is floating on top of water cause they look like little waves.

"The Sea Witch who lives in a cavern in the deep. Her purpose was to help all unfortunate merfolk." Ace explained for the third statue. "As long as you could pay the price, she could transform you, help you find love, anything. If it was within her power, there wasn't anything she wouldn't do. They say her prices were pretty high, though. That's what it costs for 'anything'."

"Nyaaa-ha! So what you're saying is that I can get rich if I become a great magician!?!" Grim said, happily.

"Why don't you think for a second before agreeing on something that will have a price to pay?" Yuri asked, irritated.

"Tell that to the people that signs Azul's contracts." Vivid whispered to her.


"You'll know in time."

"Then, what about this man in the big hat?" he then pointed at the next statue.

The fourth statue: Is a tall, bony man dressed in extravagant clothing, always seen carrying a cobra headed staff to supplement his magical powers. He has a twisted goatee and a faint mustache. He wears robes that reach the ground over top a garment with bell sleeves, under which he wears a shirt with very close-fitting sleeves that reach his wrists, all held in place with a sash tied around his waist. The shoulders of his outer robe are pointed and curved upward, connected to a long, billowing cape with a underside, while his shoes curl inward at the tips. He also wears an odd garment that covers his neck, the back of his head, and his chest. The statue was showing him standing proudly with a hand on his hip and the other holding the staff with a calm stern look on his face with clouds surround under him.

"He looks very intimidating....." Yuki said in fear as she looked at the statue.

"The Sorcerer of the Sand. He was a cunning cabinet minister to a foolish sultan and saw through the fake prince that was actually a street rat trying to deceive the princess." Ace explained to them. "Then he got a magic lamp and became the most powerful sorcerer of all! With that power, they say, he became sultan."

"That sounds fishy to me..." Yuri said, crossing her arms.

"Ho hoh! So it is important for magicians to be the center of attention!" he said and looked at the next one. "Oooh! This lady sure is beautiful!"

The fifth statue: Is an icily beautiful woman with a serene, unfeeling face and a slender figure. Her features and her royal attire create a very stunning and beautiful Queenly image. The Queen is seen wearing a gown with long sleeves and a rope belt tied around her waist. She wears a balaclava that covers her ears, neck and hair, leaving her face exposed. The Queen wears a long cloak that appears to be part of the cowl. She has a high white collar attached to her cloak. She also wears a pendant that seems to connect with the collar. She also wears high-heel pumps. To top off her royal appearance, the Evil Queen wears a golden crown atop her head with 5 spikes on the front and a jewel on the tip of the middle and tallest spike. The statue of her standing so elegant, her hands out with one holding what seems to be an apple covering in some kind of goo shaped as a skull. Under her feet was an open book and small hand held chest that the lock look like a dagger stabbing a heart.

Yuki gasped as she stared at the statue. "She's very beautiful...It's making me a little jealous of her."

"I bet lots of people gives her all the attention." Yuri said amazed at the attention.

"You should see the Dorm." Vivid said with a sigh. "They care more of their looks and getting the attention on themselves. Makes me think that they want to be models or something. I can't say that to Rabe, though."

"You should be, she is the Beautiful Queen." Ace said with a grin. "Everyday, she checked the "Beauty Ranking" in her magic Mirror. And when it looked like she might fall from the number one spot, she never hesitated to do anything to get it back. I guess she had the strong will to remain the most beautiful in the world? So impressive.....They say she was even adept at making poisons."

"Poison!" Yuki said in shock and fear.

"Okay that's a little extreme just to stay on the top of being beautiful!" Yuri shouted.

"She's pretty... but.... no thanks..." Grim said.

"You think? But it's cool that she has something she'll never give up." Ace said with a smile.

"Yeah, no." Yuri plainly said.

"S-sure, that single-minded drive is pretty cool." Grim said and pointed at the next statue. "Over there, what's the guy on fire? Just looking gives me goosebumps."

The sixth statue: He appears as a blue-gray humanoid with flaming hair, wearing a robe and a smoky base, and with sharp teeth. The statue of him shows that he was smiling showing his teeth, trying to look cool. His finger had a flame at the tip as ominous smoke was around his feet.

"A God?" Yuri questioned.

"He's the Lord of the Underworld!" Ace explained. "He rules a land crawling with evil spirit on his own. No doubt he is extremely skilled. Even though he's got a scary face, he did that detestable job without ever taking a vacation, and his sincerity won over Cerberus, the Hydra, even the Titans, to fight for him."

"Waaa.......Why does every statue gets scarier after hearing their status?" Yuki quivered in fear as she held Shimo, who was also scared, close to her.

"Hmmm, Hmmm. So having talent doesn't mean you get to be haughty." Grim said and looked at the last statue. "And the last one, with the horns?"

The seventh statue, the last one: Is a tall, slender woman with a narrow face and a prominent chin. She is also darkly beautiful and icily elegant. Her tall demeanor is such that she dwarfs the entire cast, as evidenced by her debut scene. She also has horns, which is symbolic of her dark magic. She is clad in a robe with bat wing-like edges, underneath her robe, she wears a dress and wears a ring with a large mysterious circular stone in it. Both the horned headdress and bat wing-like robe represent and foreshadow her dragon form. She carries a staff with a orb at the tip through which she casts her spells. The statue of her standing on thorny vines while looking at them with a scare that would scare the pants out of the toughest person in the world. She was holding her staff in her hand while the other was close to her chest.

"That is the Witch of Thorns from the Magic Mountains." Ace said. "Noble and elegant, even within the Seven, she is top class in magic and curses! She can summon lightning and storms, cover an entire country in thorns, her magic is on a whole other level. There was even a time she transformed into a huge dragon!"

"A dragon!?" Yuri said as her eyes sparkled.

"Like Tempest...." Yuki said as her eyes widened.

"The most amazing being out of all the Great Seven." Vivid whispered quietly.

"Oooh! A dragon! All monsters look up to them!" Grim said amazed.

"They're so cool~" Ace said with a smile before it was replaced with a grin. "...Unlike a certain raccoon."

"......Eh?" Yuki said, blinking in confusion.

"Huh?" Yuri said as her eyebrow twitched.

"Oh?" Vivid looked at the 1st year in question.

"Funa!!" Grim was taken back at this.

"Pfft... Ahaha! I can't bear it anymore! Ahahahaha!" Ace laughed, holding his gut as he did. "Aren't you the ones who went crazy at the entrance ceremony? You two girls, were summoned by the Dark Mirror even though you have magic but can't even use it, and you, a monster, weren't called but still trespassed. Yeahhh, it took everything I had not to lose it at the ceremony."

"Haa?" Yuri was getting irritated, while Yuki looked at the ground with a sad expression. Kaen let out a low growl at the male 1st year as Shimo looked at her master with concern.

"Whaaa!? You're a rude one!" Grim glared at him.

Ace continued one to make fun at them. "And now you aren't allowed in and got regulated to be a janitor? Haha, how lame."

"Nyanyooooooo....." Grim started to get more irritated by Ace's insults.

"On top of that, you don't even known about the Great Seven. How ignorant can you be?" Ace teased on. "As I recommend you go back to kindergarten before coming to Night Raven College."

"Pfftkuku...Gunnnnnuuhuhuhu~" Grim was getting more irritated than Yuri was as he continued on growling at him.

'Awa~ At this rate...' Vivid said in her head as she looked around to see some of the students that was walking past look at them.

"I thought I'd just mess with you a bit, but you really blew my expectations away." Ace said before he began to walk away. "Unlike you two, I actually have classes to attend. Keep this school squeaky clean, you three~"

Grim couldn't take the insults anymore and jumped off of Vivid's shoulder. "This jerk! He's just gonna say that and leave! I'm ticked off!"

"Grim no!" Yuki shouted, trying to stop Grim before he could do anything to get them in trouble.

"Funnnnaaaaaah!" but she was too late and saw that Grim breaths out fire at Ace.

"Oh! Watch out!" Ace moved out of the way to dodge the flames and glared at the Raccoon-cat. "What're you doing!"

"It's what you get for making fun of me! I'm going light up that fire-head of yours!" Grim shouted, getting ready for another attack.

"You idiot! Are you trying to cause more trouble!?" Yuri shouted.

"Fire-head, huh?" Ace said. "Heeeeee. You've really got guts picking a fight with me. You too. I'll turn you into a puffy, little toy-poodle!"

"Ffunaa!" Grim shot out another breath of flames at Ace.

"Uh-oh, gotta watch out. Take that!" Ace shouted as he took out the pen out of his pocket, the gem matches the one that the red-haired boy have when he chased Grim, casting a wind spell to blow away Grim's flames.

"This guy is blowing wind all over the place! My fire is getting all twisted up!"

"Wow, there's even magic to control wind." Yuki said as she saw that.

"What's happening? A fight?" a voice called out, coming to view was one of the students, wearing the same as Ace, walked to where they are.

"Yeah! Get 'em!" another student, who had animal ears and seem to be in a different Dorm came along, cheering them on.

"Don't egg them on!" the twins shouted.

Ace hold up his pen again as the gem glowed brightly. "A flimsy little fire like that won't hit me."

Grim got into his battle stance and glared at him. "What? You'd better get ready!"

Their battle went back and forth on each other, Grim was breathing out fires at Ace as Ace used his wind spells to aim them at different directions. Some of the flames hit the ground, making them leave scorch marks. Some hit some of the trees, and some were aimed at the students and the twins, who were standing by, making them move away from the in coming attacks. Vivid manage to get the students to go and head to their classes, making sure that no one got hurt. Kaen and Shimo tried their best to put out the flames, but thanks to Ace using some kind of wind magic, I was hard to get to the flames when they are blown on different directions.

"Guys please!" Yuki shouted, trying to get their attention. "You're gonna get in trouble!"

"Not until I teach this guy a lesson!" Grim shout and did another attack. "Eat that!

"And I just change the trajectory with wind like... that!" Ace aimed his pen at the flames and used the wind to move them in the different target.............The Queen of Hearts statue.

Looking up, they that the flames hit the Queen of Hearts statue, that was now burn making look like it was made out of charcoal. Vivid let out a gasp as she was shock of what had just happen. The twins looked at the statue in dread and fear. Ace and Grim looked at the statue in shock.

"Aaaaaah! Crap! The Queen of Hearts' statue is charred!" Ace screamed at the sight of the statue.

"It's because you're blowing the fire around! Just let me fry you!" Grim shouted at him.

"You really think someone is just gonna let you fry them?" Ace shouted back at him, angrily.

"That's the least of your worries!" Yuri shouted at both of them.

"Right now we have to do something about this before-" Vivid said.

"Enough!!! Just what is going on here!" Crowley shouted, angrily when he appeared cutting Vivid off.

".......Headmaster sees this......." finished the 2nd year female with a sigh.

"Guh! Headmaster..." Ace said in fear.

Grim was showing more than Ace did, knowing what will happen next. "He's going to tie us up with the 'lash of love'! Get outta here!"

Both of them started to run but they couldn't out run the Headmaster's 'Lash of Love'. Ace was the first to get struck by it. "Owwwww!"

Grim was the next. "Fgyaaa! Hurts just as much the second day in a row!"

"This is my Lash of Love! It'll be another hundred years before you can outrun me!" Crowley explained, not very happily at the two of them. "I told you just yesterday to 'not cause any trouble', didn't I? Then you go and char the statues of the Great Seven! I very much would like to see you expelled."

"Wait! Not that!" Ace was trying to say.

"And you two, this is not how you supervise Grim." Crowley said, turning his attention on the twins.

"I'm sorry..." Yuki apologized, bowing her head.

"Tch!" Yuri said, turning away.

Crowley turned his attention onto Vivid. "And why didn't you stop them!?"

"I was busy on getting the other students to their classes." she said with a shrug.

"My goodness.." Crowley sighed and looked at Ace. "You, what's your grade and name?"

Ace let out a sigh "Ace Trappola, 1st year."

"Then, Trappola, Grim, and Soshi Twins as punishment, I order the three of you to wash 100 window around campus!" Crowley said to them.

"What!?!?!" Yuri shouted in disbelief.

"Us too!?" Yuki said in shock.

"Nyaaa!? It's all cause this joker was making fun of us!" Grim shouted, pointing at Ace.

"Eeeh!? Me too?" Ace said, taken back by this.

"Most definitely! After school, meet in the cafeteria." Crowley demanded, giving them a stern look. "Understood?"

"Fiiine..." sighed Ace as he was getting dragged by Vivid to their classes.

"Yes sir....." the twins sighed.

"Nothing but misery since yesterday!!" Grim shouted and the next thing he knew, he was grabbed and getting stretched by a very angry Yuri. "OWOWOWOWOW!!!!!"

"THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT TO BEGIN WITH YOU DAMN RACCOON-CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuri yelled out in anger.

"Yuri calm down!" Yuki shouted at her sister

"NOT UNTIL HE DIES IN MY HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Yuri shouted back, still in rage

"HeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Grim's screams echoed throughout the area..

To be continued........

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