"We have to take her to a doctor!" he exclaimed ready to walk out the door but Felix placed his hand on his shoulder.

"We can't do that, who knows what it looks like inside there if she's pregnant"

"We can't just sit around and do nothing!" Demetri argued with him.

"The leader of that coven, he's a doctor and clearly he delivered their covens hybrid"

"Oh yeah because they're just gonna help us after what just happened" I could tell Demetri was panicking and to be honest I was too since I had no idea what to think.

"We'll play on their sympathy, he's a doctor and they have that whole patient care duty thing, don't they?" I rolled my eyes at Felix's reply.

"I...I could go alone" I suggested and both their eyes snapped towards me.

"No!" Demetri protested. "They're still vampires and they have werewolves as pets" my eyes widened since I didn't know werewolves existed but then again should I really be surprised considering vampires did.

"Its actually not a bad idea" Felix said siding with me and Demetri turned to glare at him. "Hear me out, she goes to them telling them some lie about getting away-"

"They have a mind reader!" Demetri continued to protest. "Not to mention the future reader, she probably already knows since you two are seriously considering this" I sighed going over and grabbed his hand.

"He's right" I told Felix. "If I go there I have to tell the truth, I can go alone and that alone should spark a tiny bit of trust, I'll tell them exactly what's going on and that you two are gonna keep your distance until we confirm that it's even possible that I'm pregnant right now" Demetri flinched at the word 'pregnant' and I didn't blame him. "It's the only way they're going to help us"

"No I don't like sending you in there alone"

"We don't have any other choice, unless you know of another vampire doctor" I told him and saw his posture sag in defeat.

"I...I can't lose you" he finally said clinging onto me.

"You won't, I promise" I told him and saw them share another look meaning clearly I was missing something. "What?" I asked and saw Demetri shake his head at Felix clearly telling him not to tell me. "No secrets remember" I said glaring at my husband crossing my arms and saw Felix smirk entertained by my posture, Demetri frowned and sighed.

"The human, Bella she died" he told me and my eyes widened. "The mind reader had barely been able to turn her in time"

"Oh" I said avoiding his eyes.

"If your pregnant, we're not going through with it" he told me straight out and I frowned not sure how I thought about that so I didn't say anything and we made the plan on how we were gonna do this.

Felix had rung through to the ancients and had no choice but to tell them what was going on and there was a mixed reaction from them, Marcus sounded a little worried with his one sentenced voice of concern, Aro seemed intrigued and dare say excited stating that yes I should go to the vegetarian coven, Caius was his grumpy self stating that we couldn't trust them but was swayed with the same thing that swayed Demetri, we had no choice.

So I was sent to Forks, Washington with Felix and Demetri stopping at the border, the latter which much protest while they agreed to stay nearby in case I needed them meaning I now had a phone which we'd picked up and I was given directions to the Cullen house...who knew the Volturi kept a census of where all the vampires lived but then maybe it was Demetri tracking them...I knew that was a reason he was worried because he couldn't track me but again I stress that we didn't have a choice and they weren't going to trust them anytime soon.

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