"And that's perfectly fine, I wasn't exactly expecting you to be feeling good about this situation. Is there anything you want right now? Anything that'd make you more comfortable?"

Izuku saw Shouta's position on the floor shift slightly, he felt bad for making the man sit on the floor next to him.

"Could I have some water, please? My throat's really dry," Izuku placed his hand to his throat as he spoke, only just realising how much it hurt.

"Yeah, c'mon Izuku- is it okay for me to call you that?" Izuku have a quick nod, much preferring his given name over his surname, "Lets get you some food too, you look like you haven't eaten for days."

The kitchen was nice, and on the same floor as the bedroom Izuku had been in. It was open plan with the living room and dining room, they were obviously separate rooms but there was no doors or walls in the way.

"Hungry?" Shouta asked Izuku, he nodded, remembering the pain in his stomach from the night before. "It's evening, you slept through most of the day. Would you rather something light or a proper meal?"

In all honesty, Izuku wanted as much food as he could get. He'd eat till he threw up if it meant good food. "Whatever's easiest," was what he ended up saying.

"Kiddo, I don't care about what's easiest for me. I want the best for you." Shouta paused while looking through the fridge-freezer, "I've got some microwaveable meals, quick and easy. I'll have to get some actual food tomorrow when the shops open."

Less than ten minutes later Izuku had a plate of hot curry in front of him. He looked towards Shouta hesitantly, not sure if he was allowed to start eating or if he had to wait. With a nod from the older man, he picked up his cutlery and began eating the food.

Having warm food on a plate was something Izuku hadn't had in a while, even before his Mum had kicked him out. If he wanted food at home he'd have to steal a cereal bar from the cupboard or see what leftovers were in the fridge. Rarely was there anything that could be re heated.

He scarfed the food down relatively quickly, so Shouta had asked if he was still hungry for more, but he said no. Izuku didn't want to seem rude or impolite to the hero.

"Izuku, I know this is a different setting to what we'd usually talk in, but I want you to know that you can still come to me for anything, okay? Any questions or general observations that you want to rant about- don't give me that look, we both know you rant a lot- then feel free." Shouta had picked up the plates and placed them into the sink to leave to wash later.

He re took his seat across from Izuku, handing the younger a warm mug of tea. "Tsukauchi will be here tomorrow to ask you-"

"What! No, please don't tell him! I promise I haven't actually broke that many laws, nothing major anyways! I don't have a-" Izuku spat out his works so quick that he wasn't sure Shouta would even be able to understand what he was saying. His mother never understood him when he spoke like that, although he was never sure if she was trying to make fun or not.

"Kid, calm down. He's not going to get you into trouble for being Riptide. He's coming over to question your home life, we're going to try and get you out of that home permanently." Shouta had said it bluntly, although he never had been one to beat around the bush.

"B-but where will I go? I've got no family-" Izuku could feel the tears building up in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.

He shouldn't be feeling sad, for ages now he'd wanted nothing more than to leave his home and go somewhere nicer. Although, he never could because he felt bad about leaving his mum. She always said she tried her best for him, and that he'd ruined her life. Izuku wouldn't be surprised, he was a quirkless freak, after all.

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