Before she moved in with him, he spent a lot of time here hiding from the demands of his other life and this slowly became his safe haven. Harry calmly picks up a small sized marble vase that he got as a souvenir from tour and brought home to Nia.

"You can say whatever you want to me but -"

Zayn is shut up by Harry throwing the tiny vase at the wall and silently watching it shatter into pieces before them. How's that for an outlet?

"I didn't cheat." Harry blinks at the pieces on the floor.

"Are you bloody mad mate?" Zayn nearly screams. "Did you come here to destroy shit?"

"Where's she?" Harry asks, keeping his voice low.

"Not here." Zayn replies.

"I know, but where exactly is she?" Harry repeats.

"Somewhere. She doesn't want to be disturbed," Zayn answers.

"Oh, it won't be an actual disturbance. I just have a few questions for her," Harry shrugs.

"Ask me those questions," Zayn nervously says.

Harry tenses as he understands what's going on. Of course Nia meant it when she said she never wanted to see him again.

For all he knows, that woman is somewhere in South Asia or the Caribbeans right now. Or worse, somewhere so familiar in the same city. That's how she moves. Once she's wounded, she retreats into a shell and stays there till she's healed.

"Are you enjoying this?" Harry simply asks.

"No. I was rooting for the two of you," Zayn is honest.

"You never liked me for her," Harry replies.

"I never trusted a famous person for someone like her, it wasn't personal," Zayn answers.

"So, I guess that's why you insist on believing that I cheated," Harry nods with an understanding smile.

"Before you met, the whole world was made to believe that you're some flirt. She met you and you proved her wrong till you crossed the line," Zayn explains.

"But I never crossed any stupid line," Harry raises his voice.

"I know you have a temper but you need to watch it," Zayn warns, calmly.

"You all saw those pictures and never bothered to let me explain," Harry sounds hurt.

"You had time and time to explain every single thing to the partner you love before the release but you stayed quiet!" It is Zayn's turn to raise his voice.

Harry knows that's where he messed up; the silence before the attack from the tabloids. There was a period of grace to explain the situation to Nia, but he silently hoped nothing would happen until the bubble was harshly bursted.

He sits down on the arm of a chair and lowers his head, feeling the deep pangs of heartbreak and hurt eating him up.

"I love her so much. I - I don't know how she expects me to go on like her love wasn't my fuel," he sounds like he's close to tears, but he's braving it in front of another man.

"It sucks to watch you two end things like this," Zayn sympathises with him.

Harry sniffs and slowly nods. It is time to accept this is the end of the road. He doesn't know the next time he'll set his eyes on Nia.

"One more question," Harry shakily says.

"Go on," Zayn calmly encourages.

"Does she still love me?" Harry asks, tears rolling down his cheek.

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