#3 TaeJin: baking a mess

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Requested from: ZTheBear
Little: Jin
Caregiver: Tae
Jin's age: (3-5)

No ones POV

Tae was at work while Jin was in littlespace, baking a cake. But whenever Jin is in littlespace, he would forget how to cook or bake anything. So Jin poured the flour into the mixing bowl and began to start mixing all the ingredients together. While Jin was having fun mixing his cake batter, he accidentally tipped over the flour and sugar. He was home alone and the maid went to go visit her family for a week. He decided to leave the flour and sugar alone and continued to bake the cake. When the cake was done baking in the oven, it came out burnt. Jin's eyes we're about to sweat. When he touched the pan without his baking gloves, he burned his index finger. Jin was a crying mess. 2 minutes later and Jin was still crying with red poofy eye bags. Jin tried to order cake and it was successful. When the cake arrived, Jin placed it on the middle of the counter. He was still crying from his blister. He threw away the cake he tried to bake in the trash but Jin keeps on touching his blister, making the pain worst. Jin started crying even more until he heard the front door open. When Tae walked in to the kitchen he saw Jin and a little pile of flour and sugar. Tae ran to Jin, questioning him what was wrong "oh no what happened gorgeous?" "I got a g-got a b-boo b-boo" he kept sobbing. Tae looked down at his hand, seeing a blister on his baby's index finger "d-dadd-y wh-what is t-that" "it's a blister baby we have to pop it" "will it h-hurt" Tae nods but explains to Jin that it will be quick. Tae pops the blister, leaving Jin crying in pain "O-OWIEE" "Ah! Sorry Jin maybe it's nap time your getting cranky" before Tae went into the hallway, Jin alerts him that he "baked" an even better cake. "Daddy but I baked an even better cake!" "Im sorry baby but I know your ordered it because you used my credit card" Jin was embarrassed. He couldn't believe that he used his daddy's credit card. Jin was fighting his sleep while the thoughts we're stuck in his head. Tae quietly puts Jin on their shared bedroom with plushies on one side of the bed.

Words: 417

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