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The next day Zak went to the office as the guys were doing some research.  In his office Zak started to cough again and the blood on his hand appeared again but when Zak went to wash it off the blood on his hand disappeared which was driving Zak crazy.  The door opened and Aaron came in.  "So what did you find out about the doll?". 

"She's kind of like Annabelle would be put into one room-".  Zak stopped as he started to cough again.  When Zak looked up at Aaron Aaron looked nervous.  "Zak there's blood on your lip".  Zak looked at his hand and there was blood on it when Zak wiped his hand the blood came off and his face.  Zak felt panic as Aaron just stood there in shock. 

"Zak are you all right?".  "I'm not sure I woke up in a puddle of sweat and my chest is tight" as Zak coughed again.  Aaron ran off and he came back with a face mask for Zak.  "Zak, I think you might have tuberculosis the symptom fit".  Zak put the mask on as Aaron put on his.  "Come on I'll take you to the hospital" and they left.  At the museum Corey was working when his phone rang. "Hello". 

"Corey it's Aaron you need to shut down the museum for a few days".  "Why?" he asked standing up.  "Zak's got TB and you should be tested too"Aaron stated.  "Thanks Aaron" and hung up.  In his hospital room Zak was in bed watching television. "I called Corey and told him to shut down the museum and to get checked himself".  "Thanks this is just so weird how did I get this?"Zak thought.  "Zak the doll maybe she's telling you that her owner died of TB".  "She (coughing) must have come from a sanatorium" Zak replied.  "I'll look at some pictures of sanatoriums and see if I can find the doll" Aaron said and left. 

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