Inuyuka e sulla scena!

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 Running away from a giant lizard, our scrawny senpai was regretting each and every one of his life decisions which led to this one. 

'I should have never taken that left turn at Albuquerque' He thought to himself.

Given the hefty title of the savior of a doomed world, a heavy task was put on his shoulders, one he didin't think he was at all able to complete. He was armed with a wooden shepherds crook that could shoot lightning , but it might as well have been a water gun who how grossly ineffective against the beast that was currently chasing him. Looking down its mouth, he had thought this was it, the world here was doomed to fall the demon lord all because he wasn't good enough.

Closing his eyes and accepting his fate he waited for the inevitable only for it to never come. Instead the massive lizard received a swift upper cut to the chin which sent the thing hurling to the ground, it bounced off the dirt and was then thrown in the lake. 

Opening his eyes back up, Senpai saw his savior. Clad in a set of red Japanese robes, boxing tape on his hands, and two dog ears on his head, he stood up shiny white hair and bolstering muscles showing. 

"Inuyuka e sulla scena!" He yells out.

"Psycho Chan?" Senpai replies.

Indeed Senpai knew Yuka's name, but he never dared utter it. He heard it in passing conversation once, and he saw that same person who said it get put through a wall. Even in this strange dream world he would call him Psycho Chan.

"E Inuyuka" He replies.

The two looked back to the forest to see another figure emerge, instead this one had cat ears and cartoonishly big cat hands. The two looked at her running at them, senpai was confused, while Inuyuka looked with hatred.

"Vattene demone, non abbiamo bisongo di te qui!" He yelled out getting in front of Senpai.

"Nagatoro?" Senpai said confused.

"It's Nekotoro." She replies with a look of disdain.

"Non lasciarla con noi, causerà problemi su tutta la linea!" Inuyuka said to Senpai worriedly.

"What?" Senpai asked.

He didn't understand a single word the he had said, as this was because he did not speak Italian, or maybe perhaps he did and he just didn't know it yet, it's pretty hard to dream in a language you don't know.

"Don't listen to him, I want to help you." Nekotoro responded.

"Non ti permetterò di trasformare questo ragazzo in un altro dei tuoi giocattoli!" Inuyuka yelled at her.

He took up a stance getting ready to fight.

"Sit boy." Nekotoro whispered with a voice that wasn't hers.

His prayer beads around his neck lit up and he was thrown to the floor by some unseen force.

"Maestro, ti dico, ti distruggerà o peggio, lasciala ora!" He says weakly trying to get up.

She whispers the words again with enough venom to kill an elephant, and once again he's thrown down the floor, this time more brutal leaving him an unconscious heap on the floor.

Hello there, Miss Psycho-Chan (Season 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon