"Of course you did! You started this mess so you need to clean it up!"

"Very well." Gowther shoots four light arrows at Diane, Ban, Yang and Weiss respectively.

"Diane. You claim to be 29 feet tall, when in fact you know you actually closer to 30" Diane recoils back in shock.

"The fudging of your weight is even more severe—." Diane's fists begin to barrage Gowther.


"What's the point in lying about a foot when you're as tall as she is?"

"You're a boy, you wouldn't understand." Blake

"As for you Ban, during the battle of Shade 12 years ago, you got rather unreasonably drunk before fighting the Grimm."

"Yeah that's right. I got pretty hammered and decided not to join the mission. I said I was sorry."

"But you didn't apologize for using Physical Hunt to steal King and Diane's power. Or for laughing at them as you watched them both struggle." Ban spits out his drink and Yang laughs.

"Oooh so that's why I felt so weak all of a sudden."

"That's was you?"

"C'mon guys it was a long time ago. Forgive and forg—?" Diane picks him up and crushes him, blood comes fountaining out from her hand, he comes back and pushes her fingers apart.

"Woah! It wasn't my finest moment but I don't deserve this!" He turns to Yang.

"Yang. 6 years ago, when your father came home from work. You told your father that Ruby put that shell in your dog's food."

"YANG!!" Ruby screams out.

"Nothing happened from it!" Yang screams out.

"On the contrary, Ruby hasn't received ammunition from her father since."


"I'M SORRY!!" Yang is being chased by Ruby in circles.

"Ms. Schnee. Your hatred for the Faunus stems from a trauma. One that has happened to your family personally." Weiss steps up from her stump.

"Gowther enough!" She yells.

"The White Fang? I see... a raid on a Dust shipment." Blake perks up, listening intently now.

"No, multiple raids, over your childhood." He takes off his glasses.

"You've lost family members to the bloodshed."

"I would appreciate it if you could stop please." Weiss says quietly.

"Alright Gowther, no need to air dirty laundry." You tell him.

"That's right, not that I have any!" You snicker at his remark.

"Hey Meliodas! Your meat is out of the oven!" You hear Team RWBY all shout out.

"Thanks girls!" You and the four begin to talk about the day and the events of tomorrow.

"Do those four girls love the Captain?" Ban, King, and Team RWBY all immediately choke on themselves.

"All of their heart rates, and blood pressure rise whenever they speak to him. I know this condition, it's called love." Gowther points at them.

"STOP TALKING YOU IDIOT!" King screams out.

"Oh man we're really in for it now. No need to break down the forest right Diane?!" They both turn around and look at her. Sound asleep. They collapse due to shock.

"Hey Ruby?" She looks at you, worried about what you'll ask.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"It's not that Summer wanted me to fight, but to fight and protect. You've helped clear my mind." You both sit down while the rest of Team RWBY moves to assault Gowther.

"If you don't mind me asking, what was Mom like?"

"You two were different in a lot of ways, Summer was very headstrong like Yang, battle-smart like Blake, and polite and regal-esque like Weiss. But you and her shared a lot of things in common."

"Like what?"

"Your hair, weapons and personality are all the exact same. You're practically a mini Summer." Ruby adjust herself in her seat.

"That old man said he knew you and Summer. He also mentioned my eyes. He said... they were special." You exhale.

"I don't know a lot about your eyes, I'll be honest. That's a question better suited for Ozpin or your family." You give her an omission of truth. It's not a lie, all you know is her eyes can annihilate Grimm, you know nothing about why.

"I see. Thank you Meliodas." You stand up and chuckle.

"Of course! Anything for little red riding hood!" You joke.

"Hey everyone! C'mon, we've gotta go discuss our plans!" You scream out. Everyone follows you inside of the Boar Hat and you all take off toward Vale."

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