Never Pass Up A Dare: Part I

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Meghan's POV

I pasted the smile on my face trying to ignore the blinding flashes of the cameras coming from what felt like all directions. Clenching my fingers into the jacket of the arm beside me I just prayed I would not trip face planting on the red carpet for the CMA awards. This was so far removed from my normal world inside my small town and classroom that I was desperately out of my element.

"Just smile darlin," a voice rumbled near my ear guiding me towards the next photographer who was waving his hand. "And don't forget to breathe. The last thing I need is for you to pass out."

"You owe me shoes," I hissed narrowing my eyes that were identical to the man's looking down at me. I raised a perfectly arched eyebrow making his tan skin pale. What can I say, I knew I got that look from my mama. A big hand reached up tugging one of my dark blonde curls making me snarl at him. "Keep being a butthead I am going to up the ante up to a Louie. I don't like eyes on me like this."

"You think I do either sis," Brantley grumbled turning us to follow Aaron over to Cody Allan. I kept a chuckle in at how uncomfortable my big brother was. Over a decade in the music business and he still hated these. "Like I could control that my wife and both of my kids came down with the flu so she couldn't come with me." He scowled down at the dress I was wearing. "Speaking of that, you want my jacket? You look kind of cold."

"I'm fine Brantley Keith," I laughed almost giving in because I felt like I was on display in this dress. While the deep red looked amazing on my sister-in-law with her dark hair when she sent me the photos during her fitting. But the practically nonexistent back gave me pause when Kim handed it to me earlier. Assured me it would fit me as well as it did Amber. My single status gave me time to work out with my sister-in-law quite often. Wasn't like a man in north Georgia would even attempt to ask me on a date when it clicked with them who both my older brothers were then you toss in PJ. As soon as he saw the dip in the back of this dress he let out a protective growl. If it had been on Amber, well it would have been a different reaction. "Let's just get inside my feet are killing me." I jumped when he growled at a passing pair of young security guards who paused looking back to check me out. I smacked his chest making Aaron, his manager, crack up laughing. "Stop that crap right now. You are embarrassing me."

"Well they were eye-fucking you like I wasn't even standing here," Brantley snarled running a hand over his hat that Amber had tried to threaten him not to wear but we both lost that battle. "Better be glad I don't have my gun."

"Can you behave?" I hissed feeling my cheeks turn almost as red as my dress. Don't get me wrong, I could have a mouth on me to rival both my brothers if I was mad enough but I curbed mine big time since I taught kindergarten. I narrowed my eyes giving him the look Mama gave him when she'd had enough. "Want me to put you in time out big brother?"

"Please," Aaron said with a snicker as PJ stepped to my other side cracking up with a wink. "I would give good money to see him sitting in the timeout chair that is in your classroom. Be funny as hell."

"Laugh if up you assholes," Brantley grumbled pushing me forward gently. "Lets go find our seats so I can get out of here."

Chase's POV

I leaned back against the bar watching the crowd at the after-party checking out the ladies for the night. Cole passed me another shot having claimed his position as wingman for me tonight. Mama was riding my ass again about settling down. I claimed I didn't have time between the farm and music. That I was happy being single. Seeing a flash of red that had caught my eye earlier I craned my neck up to get a better look letting out a low whistle before downing the shot Cole handed me. She was talking to Hardy with a laugh but had BG hovering near her laughing as well. I knew he was happily married but that was definitely not Amber. The woman had a runner's body and lots of tan skin shown from the back of that dress. I bit my lip watching her lean in giving Tyler Farr a kiss on the cheek before hugging his wife Hannah. I elbowed Cole in the side almost making him drop his beer right before Jake settled on the stool beside us.

"Who the hell is that fine ass woman?" I asked smacking my lips letting the alcohol I'd already indulged in make the cockiness come out. Cole moved his head to look then shrugged. I pointed again pulling his attention to the blonde in the red dress. "With the dark blonde hair and that sexy red dress. Be damned if I wouldn't like to lower that zipper with my teeth." Jake let out a snort while Cole choked on his sip of beer spitting some on the floor. I pounded him on the back glaring at his reaction. "What? I got game."

"Not with that one you don't," Jake said cracking up shaking his head. "Trust me."

"You would strike out before you were even allowed to talk to her," Cole said patting my shoulder with a chuckle. "You don't know who she is."

"It some mystery or some shit?" I asked surely curious now. Little intrigue added to her smoking good looks. "I see her standing next to BG. She someone on his team or something."

"You have a death wish buddy," Cole chuckled handing me another shot motioning for me to drink up. I did it then he dropped the bomb mid-sip making me choke this time. "That's BG's little sister."

"What...the...fuck..." I said gasping trying to get myself in check. Both of my idiot friends kept on laughing. "That's his little sister? The one that is a year younger than Kolby. Holy shit no one ever told me she was hot as hell."

"And going to get shot even if you talk to her," Cole cautioned me. I gave him an evil grin. Then the devils' advocate side of Cole kicked in. "Fine there, good buddy. I dare you to talk to her."

"Done," I said with a mischievous grin spreading across my lips studying the woman across the room who looked completely out of her element tonight. Damn, I can't believe that was his little sister. She was smoking hot. I waved the bartender down for another beer shooting Cole a wink. "I'll be back."

"Hold on Romeo," Jake said throwing his arm up stopping me. He waggled his eyebrows at me. "Let's make this interesting. "I bet you fifty bucks you can't get past the guard dog to even say hello."

"Fuck that," I snapped back with a grin feeling confident. "I can get past him."

"I have Chase's back," Miranda chuckled giving me a wink stopping by us. "I'll see your fifty Jake and raise you a hundred that he can get her number. I'll even distract the pit bull for ya. Give me a second."

"See Ran has faith in me," I teased watching her move through the crowd headed towards Brantley. "Be back boys."

"More like she just wants the laugh of watching you get your ass kicked,'' Cole called after me while his and Jake's laughter followed me. I was determined I was going to meet the little Miss Gilbert and get her number if it was the last thing I did tonight. 

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