Go To Sleep~

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Sarah looked at the time. 1:47 already?! I've been up for that long?! Sarah thought. She couldn't fall asleep, so she was reading. She's just been feeling... depressed lately.

"Everything alright, Sarah?"

Sarah jumped at the voice, but calmed down. She's also been very jumpy.

"Sorry, Eleanor. And yes, everything's alright."

Eleanor looked down at Sarah with suspicion in her eyes. "You're lying, Sarah. Remember, I can see lies," Eleanor reminded her.

A bit if sadness and guilt and hatered filled Sarah's eyes. "I know," Sarah groaned. "But it doesn't mean you have to remind me!" Sarah shot, but then looked away.

"Sorry," Sarah said. "I've just been feeling so tired and stressed out, due to school."

Now this gave Eleanor an idea. "Why not try to go to sleep, then?" She suggested politely.

"I've TRIED, but that's not helping!!" Sarah shot. Then she just layed on her side on the bed. Eleanor sat down at the foot of her bed. She stroked Sarah's foot, trying to get her to calm down. She then heard some giggles, but very quiet ones.

Sarah wasn't particularly ticklish on her feet, but still a teeny bit.

"Sarah, you're ticklish? I did not even notice," Eleanor said with a slight smirk.

"Maybe I am, Maybe I'm not," Sarah said, still lying on her bed, but this time on her stomach.

Eleanor started to spider the sole of her foot, but only hearing queit-like giggles. Eleanor decided to move from there.

She got to her sides, and started spidering them. Sarah then pushed her head into her pillow, trying not to laugh.

"You know it isn't good to bottle up emotions, Sarah~" Eleanor started teasing her, then full-blown attacked her sides.

"MMMMHHHFFFF!!!" Sarah's scream-laughing was muffled, due to her head in the pillow.

Eleanor started to tickle her neck, and REALLY got her laughing. "MMMHHHHHHMHHHMMHHHMFFF!" She scream-laughed again. Eleanor stopped, and Sarah regainged her breath. "Never *huff* do that *huff* again..." Sarah said

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