Koneko:"'I should have accepted your confession'"She thought to herself

Asia:"'I wished i didn't rejected you Y/n-kun'"She though to herself

Kiba:"'Y/n im sorry i didn't get to spend my time with you'"He thought to himself

Y/n:"Hello everyone im back again and today im gonna go ahead and mine because i saw this book that shows types of ores that would make better equipment"

Y/n:"Anyways i forgot to mention if i do something like special it something pops up called advancement anyways moving on"As he went underground found iron ores as he cooks it with a furnace got the iron ingots and an advancement was made"

Isn't it iron pick

Y/n also found a bunch of iron as he mines it as cooks it then made armor and he got another achievement

Suit up

And as he was mining getting more iron and loot he heard something that scared him


As Y/n left and he ran as fast as he can go with fear as the video ends

Serefall:"That was scary!"She said as Ajuka plays another one

Y/n:"Hello everyone im back again and i did some stuff while i wasn't recording as i got a full equipment and was ready to face the world and also i created something called the nether portal which puts me into the nether and i got a bunch of stuff there here let me show you"As he hops into the portal with when he comes out he the place was filled with fire and lava it was like a hell version of that world as he shows them around and saw the fortress and shows them the blaze spawner as he tries to block the attacks with a shield as he left the place

Y/n:"Anyways im gonna end this video see ya!"As the video ends

Ajuka:"So there's a hell in that place"

Serafall:"Oooh i wanna play the next one!"As she plays another video and it shows

Y/n:"Hello i am back again and i have done a lot of stuff when i was gonna and i got better equipment and i red a book and there's apparently a boss that i haven't fought and that's my goal today to fight those bosses and the first one is called the wither and for me to summon him i need a bunch of skulls wither skeleton skulls and apparently the drop is quite rare for it only drops at 2% well looks im gonna be playing the waiting game then so i'll just cut the clip and record it back again if a skull drop so see ya"

Y/n:"What the hell! i've sitting my ass killing these skeletons left and right and no skulls dropped ZERO SKULLS DROPPED! I AM GOING INSANE! I am gonna take a break from this bullshit!"As the video ends

Azazel:"Well he certainly is angry"

Gabriel:"I wanna see what happens next"As she plays the next video

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