Chapter 12

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"Men play the game; women know the score."
~ Roger Woddis


Summer White


In school we're taught history in hopes that we'll learn something from it and, fingers crossed, we won't ever repeat it. The thing is, no matter what, things always have a way of repeating themselves if that's what destiny chooses. See, as adults, we know not to touch fire because it's harmful. The only reason we know that is because we've all, at one time in our life or another, been burned. I can also guarantee that there was an adult nearby telling us not to touch it but we did anyway. You learn from experience. Specifically, personal experience.

We can read what World War I and II consisted of and all the brutalities of it but if similar circumstances arise, humans are bound to react just as they did before. As much as no one wants World War III, if it came down to it, people would fight. Governments spend extraordinary amounts of money on military services and equipment to this day. Why? Because history repeats itself and no matter what we're taught in the history books, we are still humans. We are bound to our selfish nature and succumb to greed. That, or sometimes we're simply led to repeat history not to cause more chaos, but to learn what we missed previously. To maybe make better choices this time around. I don't want to be a pessimist so I'd like to think that history is repeating itself now because it's giving me a second chance to fix everything that I ran away from.

As much as I hate to admit it, I did run. Who wouldn't? While I was born into this lifestyle and this was all something I was destined for, I'm still a victim. I always will be. That doesn't justify the things I did to survive, but I still need to remind myself that I'm doing the best I can with the hand that I've been dealt.

"I have good news," Alec says walking into the kitchen. I turn my head and watch as he comes closer to me. I revert to my previous position as I continue chewing on the food in my mouth. He stands in front of me across the dining table. I raise my eyebrows questioning him because I don't feel like speaking and continue to stuff my mouth with a spoon full of rice. "We're going out."

"Why?" I swallow. I take the glass of water and take a few sips.

"Kai thinks you deserve a night out. He's happy with how you've been handling everything," he says. My chair screeches as I stand and take my empty dishes to the sink.

"Do I have an option not to go?" I question curiously.

"Sure, I just thought you wanted to talk to him considering your little two-week warning comes to an end tonight."

"Kai's going to be there?" I ask turning. I lean on the counter with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Only you and Kai will be there and security, obviously. In the distance, of course," he adds the last bit after a pause. I'm skeptical, but I decide not to question him further. Chances are I'm not going to get the answers I'm looking for so why waste my breath. There's an open invitation from Kai to talk to him so I'd be a fool not to jump on the opportunity.

"Okay, let me change. I'll be down in ten," I tell him. I head up to my room and quickly change into a black bodycon jumpsuit and layer it over top with a full-length grey coat. For shoes, I get a white pair of runners. I have no idea if this is an indoor or outdoor occasion, but it's better to be safe. The January weather is only bearable if you're wearing clothes that are warm enough. I decide to leave my hair down and grab a toque to wear on my way out of the room.

I find Alec waiting in the living room. When he sees me coming down, he gets up and we head out the front door to his G-wagon. I put my phone in my coat's pocket knowing it's not of much use at the moment.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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