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Eijirou dried his hair after dying it and wandered into Glorious & Goth. He'd been thinking a lot about the day before. Shinso wasn't ugly, neither was Denki, but his mind was still filled with Bakugo all the time. It was hard to get rid of. 

"Oh wow, you really changed up your style," Touya looked at his hair. Flat and black. "Are you wearing eyeliner now too or are those just eye bags?" 

"A little of both, I guess," Eijirou sighed. 

"What's with the dramatic shift?" Touya asked. "You crushing on an emo edge lord?" 

"Shinso is taken, but the answer is still no." 

"Shinso can't be the only edgelord you know," Touya cackled. 

"I'm just horrifyingly single and really sad about it. That's all," Eijirou crossed his arms. "By the way, can I work here?" 


"Do you think Eijirou is okay?" Denki stared up at the ceiling from his spot on the floor. Shinso was laying in the opposite direction with his head right beside Denki's. 

"He will probably be fine. I know a thing or two about unrequited love. The pain doesn't go away, you just get used to it." 

"Sorry," Denki apologized, feeling really guilty. 

"It's okay." 

"I love you now though." 

"Well, thanks." 

"Good news!" Shota practically kicked open the door, holding Eri in his hands. She was sobbing while hugging him. 

"We got the child!" Hizashi announced, closing the door. "Legally!" he added as an afterthought. 

"Eri is now officially an Aizawa," Shota held up the papers before placing them on the counter. 

"Can I be officially an Aizawa?" Denki looked at Shinso. 

"Are you asking me to marry you?" Shinso froze. 

"Not now, obviously, but like, you know...in the future...at some point..." Denki rambled. 

"You two are really adorable," Hizashi grinned. 

"It was a serious question! I promise!" Denki sat up and Eri jumped out of Shota's arms to enter his. He squeezed her tightly. 

"I'm so glad!" Eri smiled while sobbing. "I don't have to live on the streets anymore." 

"We're all going to be one big happy family," Hizashi beamed, hugging Shinso, Denki, and Eri. He gestured for Shota to join but he was...not very inclined. "You join this group hug or I'm going to throw out all the coffee." 

"Sheesh, don't dish out death threats like that," Shota sat down and joined the scenario. 

"I love you guys," Denki smiled. 

"We love you too," Eri smiled back. 

"I love him the most," Shinso announced. 

"Get a room," Shota rolled his eyes. 

"We have one," Denki snickered. 

"To being a family!" Hizashi squeezed everyone. 

"To being a family!" everyone shouted in reply. 

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