Chapter 9 apologize

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This chapter is something Im disgraced of in 2023-2024 do your self a favor and skip this chapter

Third person view

The Shadow clone Yelled as if a intruder came in, Sandy then walked in "Shadow mom I told you not to do that unless a in-"
Sandy then looked up to drop his coffee,
Apparently it was Crow and spike coming through they're vents. He then screamed "INTRUDER INTRUDER INTRUD-" Luckily Spike manage to shut him up with one of his pins. Crow then grabbed sandy and said "Listen sandy on any other day I were to break into your house it would be for a bounty but that's not today today if we screw up life as us brawlers would end as we know it so shuT THE H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS UP PUT ON YOUR SUIT AND COME WITH US" Sandys bff had walked in with a frying pan behind them. Hit Spike and crow straight in the head...
Few hours later
Both spike and Crow were tied to a chair. With Sandy inching by from the darkness "You two noT ONLY DID YOU DISTURB MY SLEEP but you break in to my HOME to then foRcE me TO COME WITH YOU to 'save the worlddd' well to be honest your prank was HORRIBLE And you guys have pranked me one to many times fore being one of the worst lengendaries WELL IM NOT HAVING IT AGAIN so me and my Best friend Leon shall be getting my revenge," Leon appeared out of nowhere and said "May I do the Honor" "You shall" as Leon said turning on a tv it was A The terms of service of a the games to exist on text a text to speech voice
2 hours later
"MAKE IT STOP SANDY THE WORLDS IN DANGER WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THIS" Sandy wasn't there. But he then came down with a plate of food it wasn't any food but it was crow and spikes favorite food, sun flower seeds "alright sandy this is to fa-" "Oh no no no no no, This is merely the beginning of what I'm gonna do, LEON!" Leon then pushed a chalk board and gave a fork to sandy, sandy then started scratching the fork across the board. It made large screeching noise "AHHHH DANG IT" Screamed spike everyone then took a look at spike knowing that he couldn't speak suprised that he just did "Uh I mean ( )" sandy then said "that's not the End yet" as Leon came in with a balloon "Oh what are you gonna do pop it" said crow leon then scractched and rubbed and scratched near the tip was making a very anoyying sound Crow then yelled "HOW CAN A BALLOON BE SO GOD DAM-" Gene then kicked down the door and yelled "EHAHEHHHH (Are ya winning son?)" He then looked at Sandy as sandy said " Yeah dad!" "(EH) Ok!" Spike then said "now what" with his hands With a replied answer by sandy saying "Well now youre gonna know why there's a pair of scissors over there and why they'res a hole on the bottom of the chair" "Ok sandy that's a little bit far" said Leon "We can go back up there in a bit after this," "Oh then snip snip" Leon said with a hectoscope "GENEEEEEEEEEEEE HELLLLLLLP USSSSSSSS" Crow yelled, "OH CRAP LEON GET IN THE SAND STORM" sandy said backing up into his super. Though he didn't have it so he just standed they're as gene Ran down the stairs to see Leon with a pair of scissors crow and spike tied to a chair with a hole in it with a tv still saying a terms of service. "Listen I'm not gonna ask what was happening I don't want to know what you and Leon were doing to these poor people and I don't think I want to ask what you did to them, I don't even wanna know what you did to Leon to make him literally do what you asked I mean I was paying attention to what was happening down there I just came down when things got serious" gene said with perfect English "All I wanna know is when are you gonna untie these people and how are you gonna apologize and make up for it" "I guess I can go save the world with them dad" "No we need you and Leon including Mrs. Misfortune Tara" Fine by me said gene and Tara...? Apparently Tara was hiding in Shadow form in the shadows in the corner".

A stalker of dreams Colette × EdgarWhere stories live. Discover now