Chapter 8 The Jokes

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Edgar pov
Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my leg... and my arm... even my fingers. The body I've lost... the comrades I've lost... won't stop hurting... It's like they're all still there. You feel it, too, don't you? I-I-I've haven't touched grass in weeks Ive read to many books its time I pull the tr- "wake up! Edgar wake up!" WAIT NO LET ME PULL IT
3 seconds later
"Hey Edgar you fell asleep because you were Hitting spike for to long" said Colette
"Oh yeahhh, sorry about that spike" At the time I said that spike was just a Pulp of water duel to how much I punched him to regenerate. I looked to the right to see a yellow faced red eyed bird "WOAH" at the time I didn't know if it was crow. So I delivered a punch... Right to his snout. Lucky he caught it and replied with a "I believe this is yours" he then twisted my arm a bit "HEY WATCH IT!" I yelled "Let's go said Colette" I them noticed she was in some sort of space uniform "Heh hey Colette nice weeb costume didn't know we were going to A space con" I said while walking out the door. "Edgar take a look at your self" Said crow and Colette I saw my scarf was a orangish greenish color. It was my Cinco-de-Mayo uniform my grandma knitted for me "Hey how'd you get this on me" "How does a mother change a baby's clothes" "wait so you stripped me down put on my" "Yep"
... with out no hesitation I grabbed her scrap book and tried to show it to spike. I knew by the time she got her hands on me I'd probably be dead. I ran... And I tripped "
I heard one voice in my head it was 8-bit
GAME OVER he said. Colette had instantly ran over pounced on me and tried to literally choke me out. But then we heard it
It screamed with a fearsome voice we then saw Max and surge being smacked by the beastes tail. They had landed right next to us "Late for the party huh" said Max "You could say that again" I replied with. Colette the slapped me on the cheek "That's for my scrap book" with another slap "and that's for making fun of my outfit. I then slapped her saying "That's for my scarf" with another slapped replied with "and that's for invading my privacy while being fainted" I then looked to the right to see max and us bickering "Guys no offense but if we don't stop this robot life as we know it won't exist so can we please just get on with it." We then saw Bibi floating on what it Seems to be a Lazer board with another one in her hand she then yelled "WHERE THE HECK IS SANDY AND TARA" "oh so-" I then looked up to see a foot above us" "oh-Oh-OH- OH!- OH SHI-" Alas Rip Edgar aka me I lived a long depressing life my lover could be me up I was enemy's with people I never knew my real father and AHHHHHHHHHH the robo dino was screaming, Apparently when is stomped us it stepped on Bibis sword I think I felt like stepping on a Lego that's not the point though the point is, the bot is scared of Bibi and I'm not dead the bot was running away I looked back to see Colette was desperately injured "Colette you alright ?" I asked "Colette? Colette?! COLETTTTTTTTTTE NOOOOOO" "what Edgar I just fainted man" I flustered up a little "well how did you you hear me calling you" "I didn't my Microphone chip just picked up something" I then grabbed the microphone "HEY WHAT THE" "HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLO" it was Bea! "Oh hey Bea!" "DONT OH HEY MR EDGAR WERE IN A CRISES AND SOMETHING BAD IS FINNA HAPPEN"
"what a buzzkill EYYYYYYY" "EYYYYYYY"
Take two
"What a buzzkill" "oh haha very funny, Can you bee more annoying"
"EYYYYYYY" "EYYYYYYY" "I them heard Rosa say something "EYYYYYYY!"
Jk Take three
"Rosa was Apparently saying, LISTEN EDGAR THAT BOT IS GONNA BE A ANGRY IN ABOUT THREE....." "WHY ARE YOU RUNNING WHY ARE YOU RUNNING" Bibi yelled 2.... "IMA BOUT TO WHIP SOME BODYS A-" Bibi was cut of by a "1 it's to late hes angered" The bot then grow bigger better, Stronger then before we've seen. Next thing we know it grabbed Bibi out of the air with it's mouth slammed her on the ground and stomped her out 69 times "Strike.....Out" she said

800 words
I personally like this chapter more then the others it was ment for a joke special so the end part is like the only true part to the story I guess have a nice night :>

A stalker of dreams Colette × EdgarOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz