"it's settled"

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Kyo felt euphoric.

He’d been walking around all morning, feeling as if he was floating on air and smiling to himself like a complete idiot.

It was a little ridiculous if he was being honest, but he was much too happy to care. So much to the point where even the possibility of bumping into Shigure did nothing to put a damper on his exuberant mood.

He was currently flipping pancakes with his wife cosied up beside him and the entire moment was idyllic. If it was possible to live in a single moment for the rest of time, Kyo would be hard pressed to find a better one than this.

It was quiet, and it was peaceful, and it was them.

“So,” he started, sliding the fluffy cakes off the pan and splitting them between two plates. “Any idea what we should do today?” He knocked the plates in her direction as he spoke, ready for Tohru to decorate.

Tohru’s brows furrowed in thought as she threw fruit over the top and began to bury their breakfast in icing sugar, just the way she liked. “Actually, I have one thing I’d like.”

Kyo rounded behind her, locking his hands on her waist as he nuzzled her neck. “What is it?” he hummed against her skin, pausing to lift his head as she turned to look at him.

“I was hoping we could maybe walk along the cliffs today?” she said. Her words tilted up into a question as she turned back to the pancakes, sifting the sweet powder liberally over the top. “I know you really like hiking, so I thought it might be fun for us to go together.”

Kyo smiled involuntarily, his chest warming at the thought she’d put into her choice. He loved hiking – he had done ever since Master Kazuma had first shown him there was a freedom to be found beyond the Sohma’s – and the fact that Tohru remembered made him love it just that much more.

He pressed a light kiss to her temple for her thoughtfulness before indulging in trailing a few more down her cheek. His face heated at the memory of the night before when he reached her neck and he sighed softly, releasing her as he stepped back.

He hoped she hadn’t noticed the way his face was burning as he retreated to the table to recover. “You done over there?” he asked a moment later.

“Um,” Tohru hummed, shaking another layer of icing sugar on the pancakes for good measure before placing it down. “Yes. All done!” she exclaimed brightly, lifting the plates and placing them effortlessly onto the table.

“Here, let me,” Kyo said as he stood and proceeded to pull out a chair. Tohru seemed momentarily surprised, but she smiled and pecked his cheek in thanks as she seated herself. “These look amazing by the way,” he added, taking a seat beside her.

“I might have gone a little overboard with the sugar,” Tohru admitted with a shy smile, nudging the thick layer of white with her fork.

“Ah, I’m sure it’ll taste just fine,” Kyo said, and without any more hesitation he dug in before his stomach could betray just how hungry he actually was. He’d demolished almost half of his plate when Tohru knocked his foot with her own.

“Huh,” he said, mouth full of pancake and berries as he glanced towards Tohru. He hurriedly finished his bite as he noticed her curious expression. “What’s up?”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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