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Monday, 10:38


good morning.

Monday, 13:23


what are you up to?

well, for me, I'm just working on my book. I sure hope I can get it published soon.

if you weren't here to help me with it then I couldn't have gone this far, so, thank you.

Monday, 15:28


but I really do wanna start another book, though.

something inspired by our friendship, maybe?

what do you think?

Monday, 18:45


you really must be busy.

or maybe I'm just not worth your time anymore.

no, I'm just kidding.

Monday, 22:34


I really wanna know where you are right now but I remember you taught me to be patient.

just one of the things I got from you.

and so because of that, I'll wait.

no matter how long.

Monday, 23:11


11: 11, make a wish.

I wish we can be together forever. even if it causes pain and problems.

you're the only one I have.

Tuesday, 02:50


well, curse me.

I feel like I'm just talking to myself.

Tuesday, 04:52


you got me staying up all night just cuz I'm worried for you.

and if you'll come back.

Tuesday, 05:35


are you even gonna come back?

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