a little bit longer

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Michael cracked one eye open, exposed to the blinding light seeping in through the windows. He hissed and immediately shut it again, attempting to work up the strength to try again. It took a moment and some pep talk from himself to peek the bright green back open. He cringed, but let them stay open. They focused and scanned his surroundings, eventually noticing that he wasn't in his bed but rather on the floor of his living room in a blanket fort. That's not what disappointed the now blue haired boy. Nope.

The fact that Calum was gone made his heart feel heavier than usual.

Calum's makeshift bed was folded neatly and laying outside the fort. His shining presence was missing so the dark, lonesome thoughts that constantly consumed Michael resumed, one question in a form of a chant coming from his head. 

Why didn't he let Calum kiss him?

To be quite honest, he wasn't sure. Luke seemed like a pretty solid answer, but hell, the guy is cheering them on. The blonde wants nothing more than Michael to be happy without him. With someone else. Michael refused to accept that.

But he wouldn't deny that he did miss him. He liked having the younger boy around. He shooed away the bleak thoughts that crept through Michael's head. He was a little ball of sunshine and Michael liked it. Liked him.

He didn't like him enough to kiss him or read the letter or even discuss the thought of a relationship with Calum. Not yet.

-6 Days Later-

Michael was standing in front of the library, shuffling his feet. He stared at the large library sign and sighed, shoulders slumping. Calum hadn't spoken to him in six days and he couldn't stay cooped up in his home any longer. He was so close to becoming a hermit that he decided to leave and try to get his job back. But his feet wouldn't move. Evidently his brain had no control of his feet as they stayed planted a few feet from the door.

That stupid library filled with stupid books managed by stupid Ashton had so many stupid fucking memories that made Michael's heart jump in his throat and stomah hit the floor. Why in hell would he want to go back? Michael decided that his brain was stupid and his feet were obviously more intelligent.

He also decided he should stop having conversations with himself because he felt like a mental patient.

His phone vibrated his pocket and he fished it out, still gazing at the sign. He held it to his ear.


"Michael?" Michael's breath caught in his throat because he hadn't heard his voice in days and he missed it so goddamn much and- "Sh-she died. M-Mali d-died."

Then he was running.


Michael wasn't an athlete. Not by any stretch. So halfway to the hospital, when the stitch in his side felt like a knife jabbing into his lung, he hailed a taxi. When the man with the fat cigar and thinning hair pulled his little yellow cab up to the front of the hospital, he threw a twenty at him and ran from the vehicle. The automatic doors felt like they took centuries to open so he squeezed through the small before the doors could fully open and his eyes flickered around the room in search for the tan boy. His eyes fell upon a shaking boy with the same frame as his friend. 

He made the short distance to the black haired boy and stood behind the chair he sat in. Calum was oblivious to the boy standing behind him, but that was expected of someone who just lost someone they love. 

Michael took a deep breath and laid a hand on Calum's thin shoulder. Michael's heart nearly snapped in two when the younger boy meekly turned his head. His eyes landed on Michael and he immediately sprang up, facing the blue haired boy. He instantly clung to him, gripping the front of his shirt with one hand, while the other wrapped around Michael's neck. Michael's hands hooked behind Calum's back. Calum's head was buried in the crook of Michael's neck. Tears were soaking Michael's neck and all he could smell was Calum and the shorter was warm and comforting even though Calum was the one who really needed to be comforted.

Calum didn't have to say a word for Michael to know how he felt. Michael has first hand experience. And though no one was there for Michael when Luke died, he was determined to make sure the same didn't happen to Calum.


A Little Bit Longer - Jonas Brothers

yeah this is the jo bros go ahead and fight me

public service announcement: for those of you who read Naught Knot Not (mine and @quantum-fags collab story), i accidentally deleted the whole thing while trying to revise it so we just restarted and made a new story called Empty Space. it's muke still and its basically journal entries in michael's pov (im writing that) and luke's pov (ashley's writing that) and yeah we're excited omg

also I officially changed the title whooooooo:--)

love you 


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