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It's the first time I was going to the South Korea. These past twenty days just passed like nothing. At the night before my flight, I couldn’t sleep. So many things making me hype up, and one of them was that one little secret I have hide from every one for past one year. As a writer, I was not that much addicted of Social Medias but One year ago, because of my job frustration and loneliness or may be blinded by that Korean lifestyle; I created the Facebook account in my mobile phone. As soon as I created my account, I received so many requests from different ones. Some are known, some are unknown. I accepted those request from friends but about others I was not sure, because I heard so many thing that happened as cybercrime. So I ended up to not except unknown person’s request. But since I was so into this Korean fantasy, I joined so many groups on FB where native people can teach you Korean language. Its best way to learn Korean language. It’s been two days since I opened the Facebook and joined those Korean language group, I got so many request because of it. I just posted my profile photo in which only half of my lower face is visible. I rarely posted anything on FB and if I post, it was always some writing quotes that I originally wrote.

Two weeks passed by, I used FB mostly to attend activities in Korean language community to learn but One day I got a massage on my FB messenger from the unknown person, “Hello, I’m Dae-hyun...” He was S.korean boy or may be fraud. Its normal instinct of people that when they received massage from unknown; we checked their profile tip to toe. So I checked his profile but there are only photos without face or some are hidden with mask so I didn’t get to see his real face. It didn’t seem to me any problematic. And the thing is, he was from the group of ‘Korean language community’, since this group banned all the flirty massages and thing in the group; I understood why he personally texted me. Everything seemed alright at that time because I was already obsessed with South Korea, but I was still hesitated to reply.
After some day, I again received massage from that person, who can talk with me in English “Are you really interested to learn Korean language?” I didn’t able to ignore this time and I end up with being his friend.

“Yes, I’m”

“Where’re you from?”


“That’s great!”

“How do you know English very well? Isn’t English hard to learn for Non-speaking English country?”

“But see, I can speak English very well.” He replied like he didn’t want to expose his identity.
“That’s true”

“By the way, you have very unique name ‘Foram’, what does it mean?”

“It means Fragrance, normally in Indian culture, baby’s name was given by aunt but mine was from my mother”

“That’s cool”

Though our time didn’t match, We chated when we got free time. He taught me enough Korean language without asking anything. But in this 21st century’s world, no one can receive anything for free. But we never dare to give each other our phone number or video call. And he never asked for it. It’s really suspicious but who cares when you received something for free. We decided not to make each other awkward, chatting is the best option.

Till now, we chated with each other. But I never talked about it to anyone, not even my friends, who called me ‘Bookworm’ always. Or maybe this Bookworm didn’t had a real friend to call best buddy. And that’s how I ended up being a writer, live in fantasy and imagination and let out all my emotions and feelings that I never able to share with anyone.

There was a time when once I told him that I’m so obsessed with Korea and want to live there if possible. And he responded with cheesy line, “I’ll be there to make your dream come true,”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2021 ⏰

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