-𝙸𝚝'𝚜 𝚃𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚝𝚘 𝙱𝚎 𝚊 𝙶𝚘𝚍-

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I've had this idea for a while, and I just had to write it! Part 2 of "Business Trip" will be out soon but take this for now. :)

TW: Mild verbal abuse in a relationship

Artist: Unkown

Can I tell you a story?

Well, not exactly a story, but legend. Legends are usually stories, both fictional and non-fictional, passed down from generation to generation.

This particular legend certainly sounded fictional to the listeners who heard the tale. Each new generation became more and more distant and disbelieving of the story. The story that was told by the first king of the Dream kingdom was quickly becoming a hazy fever-dream of the past.

You are probably wondering why this story is outlandish enough that so many people just pushed it aside as hogwash.

And, since you've been so patient and stuck around for my dramatic spiel, I suppose I shall tell you the story.

The story of how the world came to be.

You see, long before humans ever inhabited the Dream Kingdom, slimes ruled the land. They were everywhere—including inside things. They were able to mold into different things. For example, if a slime was near a hardwood tree, it could morph into a piece of wood or a clump of leaves on that tree.

As these slimes got older, some realized if they stayed morph they wouldn't ever die. As soon as everyone found this out, they all started to change into the scenery around them. You couldn't even sit down on a bench without worrying about squishing your friend that could possibly be hiding in the seat.

While everyone was busy becoming immortal, two slimes decided that they wanted to naturally let themselves pass on. These two weren't like everyone else, as they both were very prone to sickness and had weak immune systems. Why should they stick in this world if they were just...suffering? The next winter, the brothers passed away from the harsh cold completely deteriorating their systems.

Mother Nature, who was pleased to find two souls that weren't as selfish as the others, gave them true immortality and Godly powers.

The power over the Earth.

You may have caught that I said, 'true immortality.' You may be asking why, since technically all the other slimes had found out a way to become immortal. Unfortunately, staying in one place for a long time made them stiff and almost stick to the thing they morphed into. This means that overtime, the slimes started to become a permanent part of nature.

In other terms, they would be stuck there forever and become non-sentient.

The two brothers had very different opinions on their new-found powers. The first and oldest slime, Gabriel, was ecstatic about his new life. He couldn't wait to hit his people with a big wall of karma for never caring about him and his dying brother.

They would pay.

But the younger slime, Amaris, wanted to just finally disappear from existence. He didn't want to have control over the slimes who treated him like a revolting piece of roadkill.

Well, I suppose he was disease-ridden.

He tried to embrace the roll at first, but he watched as his beloved brother transformed into a karma-hungry God who loved nothing more than to toy with the people below him.

He finally snapped when his brother decided to make a hellish realm to banish and torture slimes after they passed: the Neather. A land that was full of barren landscapes made of boiling magma and hues of red, orange, and black. No one would go there willingly, of course, but there had to be a way to send these people there. Gabriel decided the portal to the realm would be made of pure obsidian that could only be obtained from a diamond pickaxe.

~Smitten: Yandere! Dream SMP x Reader one shots~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant