Used to be Dean (Pt. 2)

Start from the beginning

"You guys crashing my hunt again?" I joked.

Alec looked at them, then at me. "Alec, this is Sam and the crabby looking one is Dean. Guys, this is Alec." I introduced them. They all shook hands.

"Alright, well I'm going to attempt this again." I said said a little sternly and grabbed my lighter fluid. As Alec grabbed his matches he was thrown just like I had been.

I scrambled for mine. As I dropped them the doctor's ghost tackled me. But he went up in flames quickly.

Alec rushed to me and helped me up. "Are you okay?" He looked me over.

I smiled up at him softly before nodding, "I'm fine, thanks. Are you alright?"

He chuckled, "Oh, I'm great. Good work." He kissed my head.

I felt Dean's eyes on us. I glanced over to see him almost glaring my way. We all left the room after the fire went out, and shut the wall back up.

"So, we chose the same hunt again, huh?" Sam asked awkwardly when it was still quiet between all of us.

"Yeah, I guess so. Funny that we keep doing that." I said with a small smile.

"Great minds think alike." Dean said.

I nodded, "Well, do you guys want to grab a drink?" I asked.

Alec shrugged, "I was thinking of going home for a couple days. Check in with my mom and all."

I smiled, "Okay. You should. She would probably love to see you. It's been a couple weeks."

"We could get a drink if you want, Y/n." Sam said with hope.

"Yeah, let me ride to my car with Alec and we can meet up."

"Alright. Uh, see you at the bar." Dean added.

Alec looked at me, "So, you know the infamous Winchester brothers?"

I laughed a bit nervously, "Yeah, we go way back. I hunted with them a couple years back."

"Oh. Wow, that's cool."

I shrugged, playing it down because he was so amazed. "I guess. It gets annoying at times, because they argue a lot."

He kissed me softly when we got to my car.

I smiled, "See you in a few days, Alec. Call if you need, or want."

"See you soon, gorgeous." I got out and went to my car.

I drove the fifteen minutes to the bar the boys had picked. Then I went in to find them.

"So, you got yourself a boyfriend?" Dean asked about twenty minutes in. He looked a little tipsy already.

"Oh you are one to talk." I grumbled back.

He played dumb, "Huh?"

I rolled my eyes. "You think I didn't hear about you leaving the life and being with Lisa?"

Sam looked between us awkwardly. Before Dean could respond I shook my head, "But no, he isn't exactly my boyfriend. It's exclusive, just nothing official. Not that it's any of your business."

"A year and a half ago it would've been." He fired back. Sam shifted uncomfortably.

"And then you dropped me. You walked away and chose Lisa... without even telling me. So you lost that right. But God, none of that matters anymore. Can we talk about something else?" I got a bit worked up.

"Fine. You're right." He grumbled.

"Thank you. So, Sam... how are you? How is Cass?" I asked happily. I haven't seen Cass since the day I walked away from their fight.

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