Escaping Saporia Chapter 10

Start from the beginning

Rapunzel wandered around the cell wondering what to do and how to get out 

Varian and Eugene were fighting over nonsense 

Cassandra had another yet more PAINFUL headache which she screamed in a lot of pain

Rapunzel and Varian: "CASS!" 

Cassandra: "STAY BACK!"

Black rocks shot everywhere (Heres the juicy stuff yall wanted and I know how this is going don't worry)

Rapunzel: "How did you do that!?"

Eugene: "Is nobody going to tell me what is going on here?!"

Varian: "Cassie are you okay?!"

Cassandra: "Yeah....I guess that just hurt a bit though"

Eugene: "Cells open now! get out!"

Varian helped Cass up and They got out of the cell together 

Cass, Varian, and Rapunzel got out of the Cell following Eugene 

Rapunzel: "Come on we have to get back to Corona! Andrew's going to destroy the whole town if we don't get back in time!" 

Jack: "You guys think you are going to get away from us this time didn't you?"

Cassandra: "You!..."

Rapunzel: "Jack!? what are you doing here?!" 

Jack: "What do you think?! Princess do you think all of the kingdom accepts that you are hanging around with criminals that destroyed our kingdom and took over it?!" 

Rapunzel: "So just because I am friends with them you BETRAYED THE KINGDOM!?"

Jack: "Whats the problem with it!? People have betrayed you before haven't they?"

Rapunzel: "Just let us through please!"

Jack: "NO!" he points his pitchfork closer to Rapunzel and her gang "Don't take another step or I WILL stab one of you guys with it" 

Eugene: "You know would look more attractive if you just...hmmm let me see....Maybe work on your eyebrows they are a bit too bushy"

Jack: "What are you even Talking about!?"

Eugene: "how did you think I got the princess as my girlfriend!? I had the good looks to win the ladies"

(I would tell Eugene to shut up but I can't do that because I am the one who made him say that)

Jack: "Will you just shut up already?!"

Eugene: "Yup I will now thank you for letting me distract you"

Jack: "Huh?"

Lance sneaks up from behind him and hits him with a frying pan and he gets knocked out 

Eugene: "Good going! Lance!" *High fives*

Lance: "Yeah NEXT TIME SOMEBODY ELSE  is the bait! that was terrifying" 

Cassandra: "Come on we have to go! You dingbats!" 

Varian: "Cassie's right we have to go who knows what Andrew has done to the kingdom!"

The gang got out of the building and found their way towards Corona 

Once they arrived at Corona most of the place was on fire 

Rapunzel: "Oh no no no no.................." She went towards her boyfriend and cried into his shoulder 

Eugene: "Listen sunshine things are doing to be okay I promise..."

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