2: thief

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TW: Descriptions of blood/violence/child abuse!!


Robert and Maurice carried up a squirming littlun up the stone steps. The boy fought as hard as he could, kicking his legs all about and trying to move his arms beneath the biguns' tight grip. "L-let me g-go!" he squealed.

"L-l-let me g-g-gooo!" Maurice mocked the child.

"Shut the fuck up, kid." Robert sneered.

Biguns and littluns watching the struggle whooped and cheered.

The three reached the top of the steps, where Jack Merridew sat atop a daunting throne made from sharp spears. His face was painted a sickly white, with black circles around his eyes. Dried blood was smeared down his cheeks, forehead, and nose. It made him look like a creature you'd see in an awful fever dream. His ginger hair was an unruly mess of curls. His prized hunting spear hung above his throne for all to admire and worship. Roger stood to the chief's right, arms crossed with the same grave look on his face.

The chief's icy blue eyes pierced the child. The boy gulped and feared for his life at that very moment.

"Bow for your chief, boy!" Maurice yelled, pushing the boy onto his knees.

"What's the meaning of this shit?" Jack asked in an uninterested tone. "I want to go hunting."

"I caught this little runt," Maurice grabbed the boy's face roughly. "Trying to steal my best spear. The one with my fucking initials carved in it!"

Jack's eyes narrowed in on the boy. "Ah. We got a little thief on our hands."

Maurice snickered maniacally and nodded. "Yes, chief. Little shit tried to run away. Probably trying to join the pussy tribe across the island. Luckily I caught up with him. Tackled him and gave him a good few punches to his ugly mug. Brought him here to be punished." The small boy felt the entire tribe's eyes on him. It felt like hundreds of fire ants crawling up his body.

Jack leaned forward on his throne. "Tell me, little thief. Are you trying to sabotage my tribe? Stealing one of my best hunter's spears?"

"No, chief!" the boy shook his head frantically.

"LIES!" Maurice smacked the child across the face. The sound echoed off the stone walls. He fell to the floor, grasping his bloody nose.

Jack rolled his eyes. "This is a waste of my fucking time. We've got hunting to do. Roger, take him out to the jungle. You know what we do to thieves."

Roger nodded. The raven haired bigun descended the steps and grabbed the bloody-nosed child from the floor. He dragged the child down the steps by both of his legs. The whole time hunters screeched with laughter and pointed, mocking the boy.

Roger dragged him out into the middle of the jungle. He forced the kid onto his knees and kicked him hard in the stomach. He fell over, gasping for air. He soon threw up all over himself. Roger snapped a long switch from a tree. He spat on the boy and began beating him relentlessly. He whipped and lashed the boy's bare back until blood oozed from long, gaping scars. This went on for fifteen minutes. "Don't come back until you're done crying." Roger left the child on the jungle floor, covered in his own blood and vomit. 


Poor kid. Luckily he won't be under Jack's rule for longer...

Hey guys! Sorry for not updating for awhile. School has been crazy but today is my last day so hopefully I'll have more time to focus on this story. Thanks for reading! :)

Summer NightsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα