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The cold had set in early in the night. Jaehaerys had curled up in more furs than originally had been on the bed, and she listened to the faint sounds of wolves howling. The feast was nearing closer and Hannah had already entered her room to help her prepare. Jaehaerys was exhausted, but she hadn't shown it. The most exhausting part would be over soon and then she could rest.
"Lady Sansa had made you two dresses for tonight. Which would you like?" Jaehaerys stared at the two dresses held up in the short girl's arms and admired the black gown with red trimming. It looked lined with black fur on the inside and she pointed to it. Hannah smiled and nodded, laying the other dress over the trunk at the end of her bed.
Ghretta and June entered her chambers with a perfume from Lady Catelyn. They each gushed over the dress and braided her hair like Daenerys would be wearing. Jaehaerys wanted to be as close to her sister as possible, requesting her hair be done as they would do her sister's.
When she looked into the mirror of the vanity in the room, she smiled at how regal she looked. Daenerys was never wrong, and Jaehaerys was beautiful.
"Hannah?" She asked to the blonde haired handmaiden kindling the fire of her room. Hannah turned to place her brown eyes on Jaehaerys' purple ones.
"Is Robb kind?" She asked. Hannah giggled and walked over to Jaehaerys.
"Yes, he is kind. I heard a few servants say that Robb told his brother and Theon that you were the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen." Hannah laid her hands together and placed them behind her back.
A knock on the door startled Jaehaerys and Hannah answered for her while Ghretta tied off the ends of the plaits she was making. Robb was waiting for her, his red brown hair in small curls, and the bluest eyes she'd ever seen. They reminded her of her sister. Oh how she missed Daenerys.
"My lady, I have come to escort you to the feast. With your permission, of course." Robb looked nervous and it most likely didn't help that Drako was glaring at him. Jaehaerys smiled and curtsied.
"Please, call me Jaehaerys, or Jae. And I am happy you asked. I'm not sure I could find my way around by myself." She blushed. Her handmaidens giggled and left the room. Drako followed behind them both protectively.
"As long as you call me Robb. Tell me," Robb leaned in to whisper in her ear, "is he always so scary?" Jaehaerys laughed and nodded her head. Drako rolled his eyes at them and silently followed.
"What is your family like?" Robb asked her as they walked. Her hand on his arm and close to him.
"I have a twin. Her name is Daenerys. We are identical, only her eyes are blue, much like yours. She's much smarter than I. And I don't like my brother. He's not company you'd want to keep." Jaehaerys told Robb. He nodded and then brought up Daenerys.
"I'm sure you miss your sister. Perhaps she can come visit soon." Robb suggested. Jaehaerys smiled and nodded. It was not possible for her to leave the Khal but she humored Robb anyway.
"What of your family? Arya seems to be interesting." Jaehaerys asked. Robb chuckled, and Jaehaerys admired the dimples in his cheek when he smiled.
"Arya is a troublemaker. She likes to shoot arrows and fight with swords more than sew and write. Sansa is the opposite. She's the epitome of a lady." Robb told her and the doors opened for them to enter. Lady Stark and Lord Stark stood at the main table until Robb and Jaehaerys sat at theirs. Jaehaerys had never seen so many people in one room before, and observed it.
"What of your brothers?" She asked. Robb pointed at the floor near the kitchens it looked, what with smoke coming from the room next to the table the men were at.
"The lad with the black curly hair is Jon. He's my half brother. He's a bastard." Jaehaerys looked down at the raven haired boy who glanced up in her direction. She offered him a smile to which he half returned.
"He seems sad. Why is he down there and not with your family?" Jaehaerys asked. Robb sighed and pointed to his mother.
"He's my father's son, but not my mother's. She does not like him." Robb explained and Jaehaerys nodded sadly and stared down at the boy.
"Bran likes to climb. He's only ten, but he's quick on his feet. I've never seen someone climb the way he does. He's never fallen." Robb told her. She looked over at a little boy with brown hair who turned and smiled to her. She smiled back.
"Jaehaerys!" Arya yelled and jumped in the girl's arms. Jaehaerys was shocked but wrapped her arms around the tiny girl. Sansa was happy Jaehaerys wore one of the dresses she had made.
"I believe you are to thank for this beautiful dress. I love it so." Jaehaerys told Sansa. Sansa was a beautiful girl with red hair like her mother's, only brighter. And eyes the color of her brother's.
"Do you like to sew?" Sansa asked. Jaehaerys nodded and noticed disappointment enter Arya's eyes. Jaehaerys turned to the other girl and said, "I also like to shoot a bow. Drako taught me on our journey. I've never wielded a sword, though."
Robb's eyes were hopeful as he offered, "I could teach you." Sansa scoffed and sat down on the other side of her brother.
"Mother says ladies do not fight." Sansa told Robb. Jaehaerys smiled and turned to Robb.
"I'd be honored for you to teach me." She told him. Her pink lips formed a smile that matched his own. They were each permitted a cup of wine for the feast, but Robb and Jaehaerys could have more after the wedding tomorrow.
"What was it like?" Sansa asked. Jaehaerys gave her an odd look and asked, "what was what like?"
Sansa responded with a smile, "Essos." Jaehaerys nodded and chuckled before drinking a sip of her wine.
"We lived in exile. My brother insisted we were being chased by Robert Baratheon's assassins. We moved for a long time, until we met Illyrio. He's a kind man, but he's one of those people that only do things if he gets something in return. Illyrio treated all of us like royalty, having the finest clothes, the finest jewels. I loved Pentos, beautiful country. Warm all the time, gardens, and beautiful water." She explained to Sansa. None of them had known she was hiding from King Robert.
"Why were you being chased by assassins?" Arya asked. Jaehaerys looked down and pointed to her hair.
"My entire family was killed during the rebellion. My sister and I are the only ones without the last name, Targaryen." She told Arya.
"Was your sister as beautiful as you?" She heard a new voice ask. She looked across from Robb to see a brown haired boy with crooked teeth. She did not like the way he looked at her.
"We are identical." She told the man. Robb glared at him and introduced them, "Theon Greyjoy. Ward of our family." Jaehaerys raised a brow and chuckled.
"Jaehaerys." She said and turned back to the girls. She placed her hand on Robb's and he smiled down at it. He was happy she liked him.
"The King is coming in the next few weeks. I'm glad you'll be married to Robb. He can't touch you if you're married to him or it'd start a war." Arya told her. Drako moved closer and she turned to her guard.
"Drako, eat, gwe ma enjoy the vitteya.(Drako, eat, and enjoy the feast)" She told him. Drako nodded and went to where the other Dothraki men were seated. Robb admired him greatly.
"Could you teach me to speak Dothraki?" Arya asked. Jaehaerys smiled and nodded.
"Of course, and Valyrian, if you'd like." She offered. Arya nodded excitedly and Sansa was jealous of the relationship the two had already formed.
"Will you teach me as well?" Sansa asked. Jaehaerys nodded and smiled widely, "Of course. A lady should know many languages."
Robb observed the exchange between his sisters and his Bethrothed. He had never imagined Jaehaerys would be as beautiful as she was and as kind.
The rest of the night was filled with laughter and stories. The girls enjoyed the company and Robb loved to joke and tell stories of his own. Jaehaerys was happier than she had been in a long while. She missed her sister, but she admitted that she'd rather be in Winterfell than in Essos with her psychotic brother.

The wedding dress she wore was a solid ivory colored white. A train trailed behind her, connected to the dress by a cape. Jaehaerys was given away by Drako, but she had Ghretta translate for him. It made most of the audience giggle, but Jaehaerys thought it was special.
Her handmaidens had braided her hair on either side of her head in rope braids, resembling a crown.
Robb was waiting for her beside his father in the godswood. She hadn't been permitted to see Robb all day, but when he saw her, he smiled so big it calmed her. He was so kind. So gentle. She'd never had anyone be so nice.
"Who comes before the Old Gods?" Lord Stark asked. Robb stared at Jaehaerys intensely, making her feel beautiful.
"Jaehaerys vazyol, ki House Targaryen, hash come to beg the blessings ki the gods.(Jaehaerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen, has to beg the blessings of the gods.)" Ghretta translated for Drako. He was doing well. She smiled up at the much taller man and he grinned down at her.
"Fin comes to claim mae(Who comes to claim her)?" Drako said, with Ghretta translating. Robb thought it was a bit silly to have Drako give her away, but it was the only person she trusted.
"Robb of House Stark." Robb stepped forward announcing his claim. Robb took Jaehaerys hand and held the cloak in his other.
"Who gives her away?" He asked. Drako stared at Robb with narrowed eyes before replying, "Drako, gaezo to Khal Drogo, protector ki the Khaleesi, ma qoy sajak.(Drako, brother to Khal Drogo, protector of the Khaleesi, and blood rider.)" Drako stepped away and walked over to Ghretta.
"Do you take this man?" Lord Stark asked. Jaehaerys breathed in deeply and nodded, "I take this man." Lord Stark smiled and gestured for Robb to place the cloak over her body. And then the wedding was over. Robb led her away towards the dining hall for another feast, but Jaehaerys dreaded the bedding ceremony that came after the feast.
Robb escorted her through the hall and they all cheered for the newly wed couple. Jaehaerys had smiled widely for everyone, but underneath her smile, she was nervous.
"I told them no bedding ceremony." Robb whispered in her ear and she breathed a sigh of relief before hugging him.
"Thank you." She whispered softly back. He smiled and held her for a moment before leading her to their table.
Robb fed Jaehaerys from his plate, and she was grateful not to receive a full plate. She drank from his cup as well, Robb found himself wrapping his arm around her chair and letting her enjoy their feast.
The night went on with many drunken brawls and she received many gifts. Some were pieces of furs from the villagers, until she was presented with a dress from Sansa. Sansa had already made her wedding dress, but this dress was a symbol of not only the Stark House, but the Targaryen's as well. It was solid black with a direwolf seated on the chest of it, but the skirt was dragon scales, with green trimming.
"I hope you like it. I tried to make the dragon scales more detailed, but I didn't know what they looked like." Jaehaerys gaped down at the dress in awe and stood up enveloping her new sister in her arms.
"I love it so." She told her. Robb smiled at them and indeed found the dress beautiful. Sansa was a master at sewing.
The next gift was one from Jon, much to Lady Stark's dismay. He had the blacksmith make her a dragon pin. She smiled warmly at him and thanked him.
Robb's gift was something no one had been expecting. He had the blacksmith make Jaehaerys her own sword, detailed with dragon wings and a dragon's head on the handle.
"Robb, this is beautiful. Thank you so much." She let her fingers run over the engraved details.
"We will start training tomorrow. I want you to know as much as I about sword fighting. Jon has agreed to help me teach you." Robb smiled at her and she glanced down at the raven haired boy who smiled at her.
This family was one that helped her family be uprooted from their throne, but they seemed to care greatly for her and for that she trusted them.

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