.I'm surely going to die.

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I heard different voices and from the vibrations spreading along my back I could tell that people were running around .

Someone was touching me. Their hands raked through my hair and a tingling sensation spread through my scalp where their fingers grazed. It was like thousands of ants were crawling inside my head.

I opened my eyes squinting due of the harsh rays of the sun . There was a woman in red Kefta kneeling in front of me. She had gorgeous brown hair and chocolate brown eyes .

Nobody's ugly in this place. They don't even look average.

I tried to sit up but a sharp pain in my back made me decide against it. It felt like my spine was being ripped in half. I released a hiss and laid back down

"Don't move . Your spine is crushed and four of your ribs are broken" her eyes were soft as she gave me a small smile. Her hands moved to unbutton my uniform

" What are you doing? " I asked as I jolted back away from her touch, with my arms holding my clothes, when another wave of pain washed over me. I closed my eyes tightly swearing internally

" I said don't move, we want you to recover quickly." She said giving me a glare " I'm just going to heal your ribs "

"Oh sorry" feeling slightly embarrassed I removed my hands from my chest and tried to relax. Ever since I came here I've been on edge. I wish I could change this behavior but being in a new place is always stressful for me .

She had completely unbuttoned my uniform and moved her hands under my top. Another tingling sensation spread in my torso. I was still not sure if I liked the feeling .

"Now. Try to move" she said looking me up and down

I moved slowly to the right and then left and sure enough I did not feel any pain. Everything was completely healed .

I sat up slowly, buttoned my uniform and looked around. Just behind me a feet away lying on the deck, supporting her toRso with her elbows, was Alina . She was conscious and looking around frantically, probably looking for Mal . She also had a female healer sitting in front of her touching her clavicle

I started to stand up stopping midway due to dizziness. The healer took hold of my shoulders steadying me and helped me stand straighter.

" I healed you but you're still weak " looked at me with concerned eyes
" and you look like you have not eaten or drank anything for days" her eyebrows were knotted together and her mouth formed an upside-down 'U' deepening her frown

She looked around for sometime, her eyes lighting when she spotted whatever she was trying to find.

" Just a second " she said as she walked away after confirming that I could stand on my own

I did not turn around to see where she was going out of the fear that I might loose my balance again .

I stood there for not even a minute when I felt someone put a hand on my right shoulder. I didn't have time to turn around..... not that i was going to but the person immediately came to stand in front of me. It was the same healer. She had half a piece of bread in one hand an a leather flask in other.

She handed me the bread, I gladly took it and started eating without hesitation. The bread tasted a bit different from the one I had back home but I didn't mind .

" Slow down lest you'll choke choke" she chuckled

After I inhaled the bread she handed me the flask. I drank only half of the water in the flask and closed it. Holding it in my right hand .

Breaking The VillainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora