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Can we just talk about how Monica is discredited and ignored as a character? maximoff was mentally ill and grieving. Monica realized that and tried to help her, she was the ONLY one trying to help her and make her aware of her actions and nobody gives Monica the praise they give maximoff. She was used as the emotional punching bag, constantly pushed aside and talked down on? I mean it's nothing new for POC's in the MCU but still...Why isn't Monica receiving the same hype as maximoff?

also monica had more character depth in wandavision than maximoff has had since she appeared in aou ( starksimp )

why does this fandom suddenly hate POC characters for their wrongdoings yet praise their white favs? (posingposeys )

( this isn't really dealing with the mcu, it's the fandom ) a lot of these so-called fans are fucking racists as fuck. you can literally tell when most if not ALL of their disliked characters are POCs or characters played by POCs.

a lot of "fans" ignore the non-white heroes.

i will never be over Heimdall and Frigga's deaths. they really just brushed their deaths aside like it was nothing....

maximoff and strange fans...what the fuck is wrong with yall? why do you guys have to keep coming for these character's trauma and disabilities? strange lost his hands to a car crash...maximoff lost her parents to a bomb...that's not cute. and not nothing to make fun of. both of them are all kinds of fucked up from it. can yall just compare POWERS YA KNOW? JUST STICK TO THAT?

another thing...this fandom is full of ableist dicks. don't think I haven't seen how people like to fucking clown rhodey and his disability ON TOP of being racist pieces of shits. and we can't forget the iconic charles xavier and those stupid wheelchair jokes...can we?

now back to...the mcu...

karli wasn't necessarily a villain, I ain't agree with everything she did but she was right.

sharon...sharon...sharon...uhm i rewatch tfatws and uh do i like her? not really. she took advantage of sam's kindness and that doesn't sit right with me. so fuck her. ( idgaf if you don't agree I said. )


Louis and Scott's friendship is so underrated omg. it's cute and they're ride or dies.

loki > tfatws > wandavison ( idgaf it's only two episodes out. it's better. tfatws is better because of sam. please stop saying people are racist cause they like the loki show better. it's giving "if you don't like wanda you're a misogynist" vibes I'm black yall and i loved tfatws. I love Sam to death. But I like Loki's show better. It gave us a WHOLE CHARACTER ARC IN A SINGLE EP! And who know's what's in store next!)

( these are all from a good friend of mine sukibenders ) While I love Valkeryie, there is a lot of missed out character development to me. Like, which I get into about the lgbtq+ rep but I wished I could see her grieve more over her girlfriend because that would provide more depth. Also, correct me if I'm wrong but...wasn't she selling people to be slaughtered by the Hulk?

FFH wasn't that good. If anything I think people mostly liked it because MJ and Peter got together, though that relationship could have used more development.

I'm now unsure about Starmora because now after coming back from the dead, she has to go through the whole grief process, and Starlord didn't even have time to grieve!

Deadass wanted to rock Clint's shit and give him a black eye for his comment towards Rhodey's condition

It should be known that, with regarding MCU!Wanda stans, that by saying you don't like a character the stans can't dismiss your trauma by saying "oh, but you never went through something traumatic so you don't understand/you're a terrible person for not accepting her trauma as an excuse" because it should be known that just because someone went through something traumatic, it doesn't justify their actions and, if they don't learn from it, they need to be called out and don't have to be liked.

The Russos don't care about their characters. At all. Mostly fan service, and are kind of bias towards Team Cap.

many of these opinions are from dear friends/followers of mine that I love dearly. if I find out that any of you, have harassed them for stating their opinions, you'll get a "lovely" message from me. respect other people's opinions!

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